Chapter Seven :Home

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Ethan's p.o.v

We arrived after 15 minutes later, Lara has fallen asleep on the way.

I opened the car door and got out then looked at Lara, she was so peaceful and innocent, then I frowned as I caught myself smiling lightly at the sight of her.

What the actual hell is wrong with me??

I don't smile at sleeping girls, heck I rarely smile.

I huffed in annoyance and went into the car with half of my body to carry her. I put an arm under her knees and another behind her shoulder, I successfully managed to get her out of the car without bumping her head in the door frame and then closed the car door with my left foot.

Carter said something about me being more gentle while closing the car door but I rolled my eyes and ignored him anyways.

I stopped in my tracks and tensed a little when Lara snuggled her face to the crook of my neck.

Never in my life I had let a girl get this close to me or even touch me, but Lara is a different story. It's like I crave her touch whenever she's around. Whenever she touches me my skin tingles a little and gives me that weird flutter in my stomach. I also got angry when she hurt herself because I felt that I failed to protect her. I always feel this constant urge to protect her and shield her from this world, cliche i know but that's how i feel and it's driving me crazy.

Carter opened the door and I went inside towards the room she was supposedly staying in and laid her down careful not to wake her up.

I then went to the bathroom to search for the first aid kit for Lara's leg. I searched in the pills cabinet behind the mirror, but all I could find was pill bottles and useless band aids.

I then kneeled down and looked through the cabinet under the sink , I searched a bit and then finally found it.

I went back to Lara, she was awake by now and sitting on the bed. She hadn't noticed me yet so I decided to just stand there for a few moments.

She leaned over while wincing due to her injured leg and opened the drawer in the bedside table and got out an envelope. She ran her fingers over it and let out a shaky breath. I think it's the letter which that doctor; at the hospital gave her.

She opened the envelope and got out the letter, she looked as if she was about to cry.

"What's written in it?"She jumped when I asked as she was scared that I was there.

"That's none of your buisness" She said while scowling.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at her and walked towards her then plopped down on the bed beside her leg.

I grabbed her ankle carefully but she snatched her leg from my grip.

"What? You need to clean that before it gets infected, and obviously I know you can't do it yourself" I exclaimed while raising my hands in the air. She scowled again but extended her leg on my thigh again.

I opened the first aid kit and got out the alcohol and poured some into a cotton ball.

"That's going to sting a little" She nodded in response.

I placed the cotton ball on the wound and she hissed in pain then relaxed a little.

"They killed my parents" I told her while cleaning her wound without looking at her.

"Huh?"She said confused.

"I killed them because they killed my parents , I'm not a bad person Lara. I just happened to deal with rough shit in my life." I finally looked up at her. " I know it's not an excuse but you have to understand that I'm not a murderer , I know you felt scared of me but I could never hurt you Lara'' her eyes softened at my words and she nodded a little silently, and went back to focus on her leg and started banadging her up.

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