Chapter Two : Danger

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"So, Ethan, Do you know Willow Carter?"The officer asked who I learned his name is Parker.

"Should I?"I asked as I looked at the other officer, she was messing through my stuff. but I didn't care , I do remember this Willow girl , she's in my chemistry class I think ,She 's a total creep if you ask me .Always hangs out with that nerd guy , don't really remember the name .

"Well, she's in your school, right? "I shrugged. He looked at me suspiciously. "Why are you asking me about her? " I looked at him as he gestured with his hand for me to sit down but I just ignored him, he sighed. "She is dead. Someone found her corpse in the river, a bunch of kids were in a field trip and they found the body floating "I shudder as I think of the scene.

"And what do I have to do with that??" I looked at the two of them as the shared a look and then the girl officer spoke. "You're a suspect in this case Ethan, Her friend Jonathan Casey is too "I was confused because seriously I had nothing to do with the girl, I don't even remember talking to her once.

"And remind me again what do I have to do with her death? I have never even talked to her before "

"Your school said you had some serious anger issues? And if someone bothered you would hit them, Am I right? And you always get in trouble for it?"I clenched my fists trying to control my anger as they were clearly accusing me of killing her.

"So? That means I killed her? I didn't kill anyone, I may have anger issues but I'm not a psycho "He gave me a challenging look "Well, maybe you didn't intend to kill her? Maybe you accidentally hit her so hard she died and you didn't know what to do so you threw her in the river so that all fingerprints would disappear "I kept a blank expression as I controlled my anger "I didn't kill anyone, You don't even have evidence against me "I smirked as I realized that they actually have nothing to prove on me.

Officer Parker sighed "Fine'' he said and got a card out of his pocket " Look if you remember anything or knew anything just call me on this number "

I just took the card and didn't reply.

I just left them and went up to my room. I took of my black leather jacket and threw it on a chair and then I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

I heard my dad calling from downstairs. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes .I decided to ignore him. I could hear his steps as he climbed up the stairs.

He straight up opened the door. I looked at him annoyed "Haven't you heard of knocking?" He seemed angry "Listen to me boy, I don't want trouble around here, you should learn to control yourself a little I don't want my business to be ruined because you can't help yourself and act like a normal kid "I rolled my eyes again and closed my eyes "and learn some manners too, ungrateful kid'' he went away as he muttered the last part under his breath.

Of course he was worried the police would know what he does. well, you see , my father is a gang leader , they kill ,rob, sell drugs and whatsoever .I didn't want to do any of his dirty business and that's why he doesn't like me much , I didn't do it not because I'm good or whatever but because I wanted to make a gang of my own ,well that's in case I didn't go to college , I want to take a major in art obviously but I doubt that would happen , It's not like I can afford it anyways .

I got up and picked up my jacket and changed into shorts. I chose comfortable orange shorts. I went to the window and opened it; I stepped on the branch outside the window and jumped down. I landed on the bushes , I walked around the house and towards my motorcycle ,I hopped on it , I heard the engine roar and the I headed to the other part of town .

I came into a stop and parked the motorcycle. I headed into the old looking building, the smell of sweat and cigarettes hit my senses and I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Heyy kid come over here!  "I looked towards the caller and saw Giovanni; he's a buff middle aged man with tattoos on both of his arms, and He's like a father to me and my friend and most importantly my coach.

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