Chapter Eight: Love

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Ethan's p.o.v

Her expression became sad and sighed then said " I never met my dad , all my life it was just my mother and I. She worked really hard to afford a decent living for both of us but I don't think she loved me or at least she never showed it. There are times when I needed her but she was too busy all the time, I understand she had to but it's like she avoided me which broke my heart"

She paused for a moment and took a deep breath then continued and said" Four years ago she was diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukemia , she refused treatment when she found out ,lately she became very sick and I had to work to afford her stay in the hospital and to feed myself .

I work a double shift at the cafe as a waitress and the cashier , it is barely enough but it's all I could find .

For the last month ,I only went home to shower and get fresh clothes but other than that I would just sleep at the hospital because I knew my mom was running out of time " She paused again and took a shaky breath and her eyes became glassy .I moved to sit beside her and put my hand on hers and squeezed it lightly. She looked at me with a small smile and then continued

"When I saw you , I was coming back from work and was heading home as I fought with my mother the day before but then the doctor called and said my mom got sick more and he needed to speak with me , I was driving and saw you then the old man pointed the gun at you and forced you inside , I don't even know why I stayed there to see what will happen but I just did .

After a moment you came out then the car exploded , I felt like I couldn't just leave you there ,you know.

When you were driving i looked at the clock and remembered that i had to go to the hospital. When i went inside I went to my mother's room to check up on her but her bed was empty , I was confused and ran to find the doctor . I was panicking and was continuously asking 'where's my mom?' . The doctor asked me to calm down , he looked at me with pity in his eyes and said that he was sorry and that there's nothing he could do.

I instantly knew what he was talking about and felt black spots clouding my vision and i no longer could hear what he's saying , I left him and ran to anywhere , I ran in the corridors of the hospital feeling lost ,angry and shocked . I stood staring into space for a moment then I collapsed and started crying my heart out right where you found me.

The doctor gave me this envelope , he says it's from my mother but I didn't want a letter , i wanted my mother. My last memory of her was us fighting ! i-I didn't even get to say g-goodbye!" She broke down and started crying silently .

I pulled her into my lap and put my arms around her waist and started rubbing her back my other hand with trying to comfort her and she wrapped her arms around me.

She slowly moved and reached for the envelope that was on the night stand. She opened it slowly and took a deep breath."You don't have to do this right now" I tried to assure her she shook her head and whispered "I want to" she then started reading in a weak voice

"To my beautiful Lara,

I don't have much time left but I wanted to tell you that I always have and always love you .

You're the strongest , bravest and most amazing girl I have ever seen, and I know I haven't always been the best mother or showed my feelings towards you.

I know you're hurting and I know this might be the hardest time of your life but I hope you can forgive me for everything and forgive me for the times I wasn't there when you needed me.

Please don't end up like me , I always wanted a very different life for you and worked for it but I guess we can't get everything we wish for.

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