Chapter Four : Grieve

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I waited for an hour now, will she even come out? It was nearly 6am and I'm bored like hell. I decided to go into the hospital, I know she told me to stay here but she has been taking so damn long, plus I don't take orders from anyone. I stopped the engine then took the keys and headed for the entrance.

I went to the front desk, the nurse looked at me and she started checking me out, I smirked "Did you see a girl come in her? She had brown hair and brown eyes , she was wearing black jeans and a white shirt I guess" She was still staring so I mentally rolled my eyes and cleared my throat and raised an eyebrow " uhh yes she headed that way " she said in a flirty way and pointed to the left, I just left without a word then I just looked around then my eyes fell on a girl sitting on the floor with her hands close to her chest , she hid her face in her hands and her shoulders shook as she sobbed .I walked closer towards her.

"Lara?" she looked up at me, her eyes and nose were red from crying and tears streaming down her face and she was slightly shaking. "I told you to wait for me" her voice was hoarse as she spoke. I shrugged "you were taking so long plus it looks like you weren't going to get out fast, and why are you crying?" She let out a shaky breath then she shook her head "Let's just get out of here, I don't want to talk about it" A doctor passed by and stopped in front of us and handed an envelope to Lara, She looked at the envelope and burst out crying again and hid her face in her hands again.

I didn't know what to do; I hadn't dealt with a more awkward situation before. I crouched beside her and awkwardly patted her back; she tensed a little then went back to crying. she then threw her arms around my neck and cried on my shoulder, I stayed still for a while then I wrapped my arms around her ,I felt a weird feeling in my stomach but I brushed It off. After some time, she sniffled "Can we leave?" I just nodded and got up and stood there waiting for her to get up, she reached out her hand; I just looked at it and started walking away. "asshole" I heard her mutter under her breath , I rolled my eyes and went outside ,I got into the car , and Lara followed after and got in. "Where are we going to go ?" I shrugged and looked at her; I had only one person left for me to go to. "I have a place in mind, but do you have anyone you can go to?" She gave me a look and I raised an eyebrow "I'm not going anywhere plus It's not like I have something else to do and It's my car too" I just rolled my eyes at her and started the engine then drove off.

I looked at Lara as we pulled up, she was sleeping, she sniffled every now and then due to her previous sobbing, and her nose was slightly pink. I poked her shoulder to wake her up, her eyes fluttered open and she looked around confused for a second "where are we?" she said quietly."The only person who can help us "She rolled her eyes "you didn't answer my question "I just looked at her and got out of the car, I heard her sigh in frustration and get out too. "This crappy building has the only person who can help us?" She said raising her eyebrows .I just nodded "Just stay close " she looked up at me "okay'' her voice was barely a whisper.

As soon as we entered Lara hugged my arm and scrunched up her nose "Eww, Ethan can you smell that? It's suffocating in here! Who the hell smokes and works out, I doubt it's healthy you know? The smoke with you knows..? "I just chuckled and was about to reply but Giovanni called my name as we were the only people there it's freaking 7am.Lara looked at me with a surprise clear on her features "what?" I asked with an emotionless face, she laughed "You smiled! You can laugh!!" I rolled my eyes at her as I pushed her away playfully.

We then headed towards Gio "How did you know we are here ?" he just laughed "I have a high security system , if someone entered after 3am it would let out an alarm on my phone " I raised my eyebrows at him. He just ignored me "so, who's you girlfriend?" he asked while pointing at Lara."She's not my girlfr-""I'm Lara "I was rudely interrupted and I rolled my eyes. She extended her hand smiling lightly a Giovanni shook her hand and smiled back. "Giovanni we need you to get Alfonso, Carter, Evan and Vitale right now "Giovanni's face hardened "please don't tell me what I think it is "I looked at him and gave him a nod to confirm what he was thinking. He sighed and gestured us to follow him. Lara just stood there looking dumbfounded, I rolled my eyes and went back to her grabbed her arm and dragged her along behind me."Ethan waits! What's going on?!" She unhooked her arm out of my grasp and crossed her arms and stopped moving. "I don't have time for this right now Lara "I hissed. "I want an explanation, you can't just drag me into stuff and expect me to just watch , I'm human you know " she exclaimed, I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue in annoyance and crossed my arms ,copying her actions.

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