Chapter Three : Escape

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I had to get out of here, and fast. Vincent is an old friend, Well not exactly a friendly guy. My father had a deal with him but he escaped and left which led Vincent to be taken into custody and his daughter was kidnapped and raped by other gangs , and since then Vincent swore he would get revenge from my dad and here he was . I looked at him and he had stupid smirk plastered to his face. Vincent had ginger hair, He wasn't tall neither short, He had grey eyes nor his face was kind of ugly I admit. I held a face that didn't show emotions, they forced me to sit down, not tied up or anything.

"Were you even listening?" Vincent exclaimed with an annoyed expression. I stayed silent and shrugged giving him a bored look. "you do realize that I'm going to kill you , right ?" he said narrowing his eyes at me "don't care " I said while shrugging then I fake yawned .He Scowled and my head was thrown to the side as he punched me , I felt a metallic taste and I spit the blood ."you are annoying "I gave him an innocent smile and he punched my face again and I felt a warm liquid trickle from my eyebrow to down my face I just held up a smirk and looked him in the eyes, he groaned in annoyance and motioned for the guys standing "Take him to the basement and we shall see if you'll keep that stupid smirk on "and went away to god knows where. Two buff guys came and held both my arms behind me. I glanced towards the window and noticed a car, Vincent's car to be exact.

In one swift motion, I back kicked the guy to my right where it hurts and he let go of my arm and fell to the ground in pain, I turned around and punched the other guy in his face, he didn't seem affected, I widened my eyes and went left and right to disturb him then slid between his legs to behind him then I jumped to my feet and kicked him and he fell face forward and hit his head and was knocked out. Tim was standing with back towards me so I just brought the vase from beside me and smashed it to his head; he was easy to knock out.

I quickly went to him and grabbed his gun and put it in the back of my jeans. I quickly hurried outside and got into Vincent's BMW, I searched for the keys in the car, and I cursed under my breath. I had to start it manually, I didn't have time! I started to play with the wires then I heard a faint beep. I listened closely while narrowing my eyes, I then realized what it is and widened my eyes and dropped the wires and fumbled with the door to open it "Fuck" I cursed and jumped out of the car then I felt heat and everything went black.

Lara's p.o.v

I was working a late shift; I worked because I needed every cent I could afford.

"Just go home Lara , you look horrible , go home and get some rest" Marie , my boss told me sympathetically as she knew how much I needed the money , I smiled a little . She was kind to me. She had brown curly hair and hazel eyes, she wasn't skinny but she has a great body though. She owned the restaurant I'm currently working at.

"Thanks Marie" I said while smiling, she smiled back, and I went to put the sponge and bucket I was cleaning the tables with. I then took off my apron and hanged it; it was a black apron with cute white flowers at the left bottom and my knitted in a nice font in the middle. I checked the clock on my phone and it read 1 am. I sighed and grabbed my bag, I told Lara my goodbyes then went out. Cold air greeted me in the face; dammit I didn't bring a jacket. I went towards my red Jeep, It was a crappy old car, but it was all I could afford. I got in the car and the heating wasn't working so I just had to deal with the cold.

I was a street away and then saw a boy I slowed down and just stood on the opposite side of the street, he was a very attractive boy I must say but he had this cold emotionless face and his blue eyes seemed cold and distant , some strands from his brown hair were on his forehead , he had a very sharp jaw line and a toned body, he was wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt showing his biceps ,I was mentally drooling on him so I shook my head then I saw an older man being put into the ambulance by two paramedics ,I figured he was his father as he kid of resembled him . I recognized the boy from school , but I couldn't remember his name , not that I attended much , but I had my excuse and the principal and teachers were kind enough to let me skip few days . I then noticed a wrinkly old man standing a few feet behind the boy he had a freaking gun oh my god!! I saw that the boy was in deep thought he didn't even notice the man standing there. I then saw the man speak to him , he looked at him and replied , I couldn't quiet catch what were they saying , I then saw the saw the boy head towards a motorcycle ,he seemed pissed and frowned , then he suddenly ran to the garage , I lowered in my seat and watched , I saw a BMW pull up in the driveway , a middle aged man got down and I got down quickly as he looked around followed by two buff looking men with suits , it's some mafia shit I suppose .

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