Chapter Five : Kidnapped

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Ethan's p.o.v

"Where the hell is she?!!" I said frustratingly and looked at Carter who had his eyes on the laptop screen and his fingers working fast on the keyboard.

He sighed in irritation and ran a hand through his hair "Well, you are so helping me find her faster with that attitude of yours "He said rolling his eyes and sarcasm evident in his voice. I had put a tracking device on her phone when she left it in the car at the hospital.

I was as tired as last time I slept was a day ago.

I plopped down on the couch letting out a sigh.

I felt Giovanni pat my shoulder,

"Don't worry we are going to find her?" He gave me a sympathetic look .I just looked away and kept staring at the wall. What if she is in danger? What if Vincent got her? What if someone tries to...If someone lays a finger on her I swear I'll kill that son of a bi-

"Found her!" Carter exclaimed raising both his arms while smiling in triumph, I rolled my eyes at how childish he was.

"Just speak" the smile on his face faded as his eyes went back to the screen, and started typing furiously "What is it Carter?"Alfonso asked knotting his eyebrows.

"Something is...something's not right, Ethan she's at Nathan's house "He looked at me shock spread on his face .My face lost colors and I clenched my jaw then I stormed off .I ignored them as they called my name.

I felt someone grab my arm which stopped me, I looked at Vitale.

"Let me go, Vitale"

He gave me a blank expression and pulled me towards the living room and I gave in since it was no use resisting, he was way stronger that I am.

"Where do think you were going?''Alfonso scolded me as I plopped down on the couch and ran a hand through my hair angrily.

"To buy some coffee from Starbucks obviously"I replied sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Really? Can you get me a white mocha frappe? "Carter said without his eyes leaving the screen .It went silent and he sensed us all looking at him, he glanced at us and he shrugged while raising his eyebrows

"What?" Alfonso and I rolled our eyes at him

"I was going to go get her "I told him quietly.

He scoffed "you can't just go Ethan it will ruin our entire plan!" I felt anger rising up in me

"And I can't leave her with a fucking psychopath either Alfonso!"Confusion spread on his features.

"What the hell are you talking about? She's safe, she's at Nate's house which is your best friend's house" I groaned in frustration as I realized I hadn't told them about Nate.

"Well, that might be a problem since I saw black Rang Rovers parking outside his house" I said rubbing my neck , they shared glances and scattered quickly each in a different direction cursing under their breath and I got up to get ready as I knew what's going to happen.

Lara's p.o.v

I jolted awake as I felt an ice cold sensation wave over me. I looked up to see a tall , buff man , with a light beard , he has brown hair and electric blue-ish grey eyes , held a now empty bucket that held water , He was smirking "Like what you see sweetheart?" He gave me a smug look, he did look hot but I'm not telling him that of course.

"Not a bit "I spat, he just held that smug expression "Feisty, I see "

My wrists hurt as they were tied really tightly around the chair behind my back."What do you want from me?"I growled tugging at my wrists , I'm sure it will leave bruises .I was being held in a white room with a lamp hanging in the middle illuminating the room , the floor was wood and there were no windows.

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