Chapter 9 : Promise

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Lara's p.o.vI turned around and unlocked the door and was abot to go inside but someone grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him and crashed his lips onto mine with much passion while holding my face , my eyes went wide and I froze for a second then I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss as butterflies fluttered in my stomach.We pulled away to catch our breath and he rested his forehead against mine and whispered "I love you too Lara''"B-but you said that-" he shushed me by kissing me again, I smiled through the kiss and pulled away staring into his eyes ."Wanna go inside?" He smirked and carried me and I laughed as he pushed the door with his shoulder ,went inside then it behind him with his foot.***I woke up and smiled at last night's memories then reached for Ethan's side of the bed but it was empty.I rubbed my eyes and frowned and sat up in bed then pulled the white sheets closer to my bare body feeling hurt but then I glanced at my nightstand and saw a note.I picked it up and opened it and with a messy handwriting it said "Lara,I have to disappear for some time , I will find you-A "I groaned then I crumbled it and threw it in the drawer.I plopped back on the bed then sighed and spent the rest of the day crying.After Two YearsI went and handled the paper work for my boss , I knocked on his door and I hear a faint come in .I went inside and looked at my boss, Steven ,and said" These are the papers you asked for,sir" He smiled and said "Thank you, Lara. You may go home now it's getting late"I nodded then said "You're welcome ,sir'' then turned to leave. I headed out of the company and unlocked my Jeep then started driving home to my apartment.If you're wondering what happened , basically after graduation I went to university and moved out outside the country and started to focus on my studying and forgot everything that had had happened . Now i'm still studying but I'm also working in a paid internship at this company. And Ethan? i never heard from him again, it hurts me and confuses me that to this day I still love him , I know he will never come back but there's this tiny part of me that deep down wishes he would .

I arrived home then locked my car and went inside the building.I found the elevator out of order, I huffed in annoyance then went to take the stairs.I finally arrived at my door , I fished for my keys in my bag ."Lara" I froze as I recognized who it was, I slowly looked up at him .I whispered in shock "E-ethan??"

He looked so much different , he grew a little taller and put on more muscle.I walked towards him then wrapped my arms around him and hugged him so tight and he hugged me back just as tight then I took him by surprise and started punching his chest "How could you?! How could you just leave for two years?! Two fucking years!!" He held my wrists and pulled me towards my apartment. He pushed me inside gently and closed the door behind us.I was going to start yelling at him again but he cut me off and said "Give me a fucking chance to explain myself , woman!"

I huffed and raised my eyebrows waiting for him to start speaking.He sighed and ran his fingers through his dark chocolate brown hair making it messy but in a good way then said " I had to leave ,Lara believe me when I say that not a cell in my body that wanted to but the police had to look for me , I had to disappear til things calmed down a bit "I shook my head and said "And you couldn't have explained that in the fucking note??"

He sighed again then said " I didn't have time , Lara . But i'm sorry for leaving all this time""You don't expect me to forgive that easily don't you ? Besides I-I don't love you anymore , I think you should forget me " I said while avoiding eye contact with him . I jumped a little out of surprise when I found him standing too close , I took two steps backward and he got close again , I stepped back again until I felt my back touch the wall.He stepped forward and raised his hands to the side of my face and put the strand of hair which was on my face , behind my ear and put his hand on my face and rubbed thumb on my cheek gently while looking into my eyes.He started leaning closer to me and I could feel my heart beat so fast ,his breath on my face and my mind just went blank.He pressed his lips on mind and I felt my knees go weak ,I would've collapsed if he hadn't pressed me to the wall .He pulled away and stared into my eyes "Lara Smith , I am in love with you "I was going to reply then he shushed me up with placing his finger on my lips "Shut up and let me speak, as I was saying , I am in love with you , from the moment I woke up in the backseat of your car I felt something I never before which I brushed away, I was scared but from the first time you hugged me at the hospital, I knew I was screwed . It pained me not being able to see you or hold you for the past time,but i knew if I didn't we'd both be hurt . I know i'm the worst at telling people how I feel but I'm trying my best'' He shrugged while chuckling.I laughed a little and kept smiling at him , I pulled him and wrapped my arms around his neck with my face burried in the crook of his neck and whispered " Please don't ever leave me again ""I won't" He whispered back while tightening his arms around me ."Pinky promise?" I raised my pinky and he chuckled ."Pinky promise" He tangled his pinky with mine as he promised me then put his arms back around me .

After moments of us just hugging in silence we pulled away and he took my hand and led me to the bedroom and then we layed down together.He suddenly whispered in the dark ''Lara?"I hummed in response and he said "Would you marry me?"I turned to look at his face which was only illuminated by the moon light.I stayed silent for a little while shocked then I answered "Ethan I love you, but i'm not going to get married at 20. Maybe one day though""I'm okay with that" he smiled We kept silent a little then broke into laughter.He pulled my closer as we drifted to sleep holding each other like we'd never let go.

A/N: this book is so bad lmao i apologize :')

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