Chapter Six : Heartless

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Ethan's p.o.v

His face looked pale and if I didn't know Marcus I would've said he looked scared. I looked at the boys, Vitale stood over a knocked out guard. He kicked him to get a reaction but he didn't move, Vitale smirked in Triumph then he looked at me, the other boys probably went somewhere in the house. I clenched my jaw and looked at Marcus.

"You came for the girl, I see" he said while smirking. I just looked at him coldly .I heard footsteps coming from the corridor , the person was wearing Nike sneakers, dark blue jeans and a purple hoodie . I looked into the person's grey eyes which I recognized as Nathan's, his eyes held a slight emotion of guilt. Without looking at Marcus I raised my gun and pulled the trigger, He shouted and cursed in pain, Nate flinched and I looked at Marcus who now has a bleeding knee and on the floor.

"What the hell was that for?!" He shouted angrily. He was breathing heavily while holding his hands over his wound.

"Where is she?" I said coldly, he chuckled evilly and said "Did you actually think that I would easily let you come here and take her, Are you actually this stupid?"

"Ethan behind you!!" Before I could protest what's happening I felt a wave of electricity rush throw my body, I gritted my teeth at the pain and shook while I fell to the ground, my vision became blurry and I looked at the person, It was Nate, Everything was a blur, I looked at vital and he was fighting two men while screaming, someone punched him twice in the face and knocked him out, Other men came inside behind an Irish man, Vincent. My vision was getting worse , A figure kneeled  above me and whispered "I'm sorry", then I felt the wave of electricity again , it was worse , I started seeing black dots and whispered "Why?" before everything went black.

Lara's p.o.v

I woke up with a pain in my neck as I slept in the most uncomfortable position ever, I stretched and cracked my neck slightly to release the tension then I looked around, the lamp in the middle of the ceiling flickered every now and then. My arms ached from being tied around the chair I'm sitting on, my butt felt numb. I could hear shouting outside I shrugged it off and zoned out.

I really wanted to shower, my hair was knitted and messy .I smelled like dust and cigarette smoke, I cringed and tried to think about something else but my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and two buff men came in carrying a passed out boy by his arms, they were mainly dragging him but however, his hair was covering his face as he faced the floor.

I flinched as they threw him on the floor and left locking the metallic door behind them, his face was facing the opposite side while lying on his stomach. I looked around the room trying to find something sharp to cut the ropes on my wrists, I looked around but there was nothing , I sighed and looked at the boy laying on the ground as he groaned and turned to lay on his back. It was Ethan! He came for me? Well, maybe he didn't but he still came here though.

His eyes were still closed, but I knew that he was awake.

"Staring isn't really polite, Croft" he croaked while his eyes are still closed.

"I wasn't staring at you plus my last name isn't croft you idiot "I said, his eyes fluttered open as he turned his head towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't get it?" I knitted my eyebrows in confusion and slightly tilted my head, he rolled his eyes and looked away from me,

"Your first name is Lara so I called you Croft because you know Lara Croft?"I was still dumbfounded, he said and waved his hand dismissivly "Forget it"
I shrugged and asked him "Why are you here?" I paused a little,

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