Chapter 9

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"What do you think everyone will think when they see this?"

I was so confused. Did he not like Kagami?

"I like Kagami! I don't care if you don't. It's my life!"

Before he could say anything else I stormed off to my room. What did he have against Kagami? She's amazing.


My son's a cheater. And he didn't even try to hide it. Who even let her in my house?

"Nathalie, did you let that girl in?"

"No sir, Adrien pulled her inside."

"Did you know he was doing this? What about Marinette, does she know?"

"I have no idea sir. I haven't seen Marinette since the hospital."

"Call her and tell her to come here."

"Okay sir."

Nathalie called Marinette to come see me. I need to tell her what Adrien has been doing. And I need to make sure no one finds out about this. It will do great damage to my name.

Short minutes later the doorbell rang. Marinette was let in by Nathalie and she looked exhausted. I liked Marientte for my son. She was a good kid.

"I need to talk to you."

We sat down in my office and I told her what Adrien was doing. Surprisingly, she seemed to not care.

"I know." Was all she replied with.

She knew? But how? When?

"I saw him kissing her last night."

"You know he cheated?"

"I know, but I don't think he does."

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't know we're dating. I tried telling him but he said I was just using him for fame and money. He thought I was lying."

I could see the tears forming in her eyes. Oh Adrien. When I said to be careful of those people, I didn't mean Marinette.

"Is that all?"

"Y-yes, that's all."

She walked went to go walk out but before she left she stopped at the door.

"Don't bother telling Adrien about how I dated him. It'll only be worse. And plus he's happy with Kagami, that's all I could really wish for I guess."

She walked out the door.

Oh Adrien.


I walked to the front door, tears rolling down my cheek. Nathalie opened the door for me but before I went out I gave her a hug. She didn't expect it, but surprisingly she returned it.

"Thank you, Nathalie. For always being so welcoming and kind to me."

"No, thank you Marinette. You made Adrien happy. With you he was the happiest he was after his mom died. So thank you."

We broke apart and I gave her a little smile before heading out. I really was going to miss Nathalie. She was like an older sister to me. As for Adrien, I'm going to miss him more.

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