Chapter 8 Snippet and notes

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The relationship between a god and their domain has been observed as a two-way connection of equal influence. The god can influence and control their own domain, but at the same time, the state of the domain is reflected back to its ruler or rulers. It was a connection that was reminiscent of their roots as children of primordials, beings that make up the world and sky and space itself. 

And so, their emotions are painted in various shades in reality, their own domains, and Sally Blofis née Jackson had seen this phenomenon firsthand.

The first time she met the God of the Sea, it was a calm and sunny day. The waves washed over the shore in a rhythmic soothing song. Poseidon had looked nothing more than an ordinary man out fishing, perhaps looking a bit silly in his colorful Hawaiian shirt. That is, except for his trident, and the feeling he gave out that he was something more.

It was the same many days after that, and she liked to sit and watch the calm ocean, knowing that he too was calm and happy.

When their son came to his heritage, he was 12 and scared. Rain was coming down in heavy sheets, rumbling with the might of Zeus' anger. But even before that, Sally had taken note of the increased storms. She had noticed the angry seas and skies. She knew that her son was getting old, too old, for Gabe's presence to work on masking him, and with the heavy skies she couldn't help the thick cloud of dread and worry.

This same worry is hounding her now, many years later, as she stared out at the winds that had seemed to howl louder and angrier as the hours passed. There was no word from her son, no happy exclamations and stories on his proposal, or even a sheepish explanation that he decided to push the date later due to some complication or other. No, just the rain. The rain and...

Behind her, the TV was still on. She can hear the normally calm drone of a reporter be tinged with bewilderment, along with the frantic wide-eyed scientist continuing his explanation of the worldwide anomaly.

Around the world, every study connected to the sea was... disrupted. Machines are malfunctioning or outright not working anymore, costing millions and billions of dollars. Creatures in various habitats are acting odd or disappearing from their homes, leaving various studies in disarray. Underwater rovers were lost, and even submarines had lost contact with only one managing to come safely home. 

Sally listened as the man explained their failed attempts at gathering data to find an explanation for all these, gaze taking in the sky as if it would spell answers for her. The ball of dread and fear in her stomach was almost painful in its intensity, and she unconsciously wrapped an arm around her middle, clasping at her other arm.

And through the window there was movement in the sky, a black speck amongst the dark roiling clouds. Sally shifted from her vigil, recognition going through her like lightning. More and more the silhouette of her son's pegasus became clear, and she watched its approach with glistening eyes. Blackjack slipped to the side and disappeared between buildings as he landed.

She moved towards the front door and opened it before the person on the other side can knock. "Annabeth," Sally whispered. The daughter of Athena stood there drenched, looking for all the world like her life had been sucked out of her, staring at her with empty eyes. 

Sally opened her arms and brought her in, disregarding the water that seeped into her clothes.


This chapter has been sitting here waiting for me to either add more or to publish incomplete, after multiple rewrites and procrastinations. Based on my discord convo history, the last time I opened my wattpad account was last year, now I'm finally putting this thing to rest.

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