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Oh glob. Here we go, another story. And I have two stories I'm still working on, one of which I will probably rewrite. ...Aw heck I feel like writing this. And I will f*cking write this. This might even help me get out of this low inspiration block I have with my other stories.

So let's go!

"Annabeth! Annabeth!" Annabeth whipped around at the panicked shout, and saw Percy running towards her. She analyzed his state immediately. He was out of breath, and his messy wind swept hair was matted with sweat. His face was slightly pale as if about to get sick and his eyes are filled with an emotion she can't name. At his shout of, "Annabeth, the infirmary!" The daughter of Athena felt a stab of panic and worry herself. Who's injured? How bad is it to make Percy act like this? Is someone dying?

Before she can voice her thoughts aloud, Percy tugged at her hand and took off running, presumably to the infirmary. It only took half a second of stumbling before she ran on her own, Percy still not letting go.

"Percy-what is it? What's wrong?" He didn't answer, just urgently tugged her along. She was about to ask again when they almost barreled over a group of Aphrodite girls who are chattering excitedly. Piper herself had a huge smile on her face, looking like a full-blown Aphrodite girl. Why did she look like that, didn't she know someone must be possibly hurt?

"Percy, please tell me, who is it?!" She yelled in a bit of a panic, but he didn't repond. Grover and Juniper was snuggling in the amphitheatre, and when they passed by she saw Grover shake his head while Juniper tried to smother her giggles.

They passed by a group of Ares kids, but Clarisse didn't say a word. She just watched them and she looked like...she was smiling? Not a word of insult? Clarisse, smiling?

"Percy–what–? What's going on?" She asked as they reached the Big House, which is oddly empty of a centaur and a wine god. She had also spied the Apollo children somewhere on the archery range, so the infirmary would be completely empty. Percy didn't say anything, just pushed her forward inside the infirmary. And, true to her guess, it was empty. Even the beds were missing some injured or dying.

"Percy–what..." She stood, looking around in confusion, when a hand gently took her's from behind. Annabeth turned around only to let out an almost inaudible gasp at the sight before her.

Percy kneeled in front of her, his expressive sea-green eyes bursting with emotion. And in his hands, is a small black box that can only be holding one thing.

"N-no way..." The shocked woman whispered faintly as tears gathered in her eyes. Her heart felt like leaping out of her chest and she wondered at the back of her mind if she's gonna have a heart attack, no matter how unlikely it is to happen.

Percy gave her that lopsided smile that she loved so much, and opened the box. "Annabeth Chase, ever since I saw you, I had fallen in love, whether or not I would've admitted it back then. You have saved me countless times, and have stuck by my side through countless of stupid ideas–remember the jump from St. Louis Arch?– And ever since I was 14 and was terrified of you joining the Hunters, I realized that I couldn't live without you. You more important to me than anything, even my own life, that I would willingly give for you. So Annabeth Chase, my best friend, my soul mate, my one and only, will you marry me?"

Annabeth covered her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. "Oh, my gods, YES!" And she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and sending them tumbling to the ground. Percy grunted at the impact but had a ridiculously wide grin on his face that matched her's. Their lips met in a kiss, and Annabeth will never get tired of the feeling of fireworks. She will never get tired of the taste of his lips. Never get tired of this warm feeling in her chest.

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