Chapter 3: Names

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They met up various other times after that, that chance second meeting that thankfully didn't involve in an attempt of murder by axe.

And yes, he is still slightly put off about the almost-beheading.

Nevertheless, the woman's realization of his intelligence and sentience came with a fascination that, if he hadn't known she probably never even heard of the word 'science' with her too primitive clothing, would have disturbed him greatly enough to hightail it out of there before she can take out the knife to cut his brain open with. Or a cage and a clipboard so she can observe him and find out what makes him tick.

But thankfully, her fascination just seemed to involve tracking him down to wherever he is at the time, and trying to learn whatever she can through conversation and observation. Her conversations were mostly one-sided, and sometimes it would seem she's talking more to herself than him, but he would do his best to respond. His responses mostly involved facial and body expressions, accompanied by various noises, but they were able to make do.
And in consequence of her learning about him and his dragon habits, he also ended up learning about himself and his dragon habits.

Example, he didn't know that he would instinctively chase after that bright spot of light.

Well, he didn't know that at first.

And so, he spent a good few minutes just chasing after a reflection from her dagger like a particularly odd cat, much to his mortification and her amusement afterwards. His grumpiness and glares just seemed to amuse her further.

Along with habits, came studying his dragon body. She would hold his wings and bend them every which way, rub her fingers against the skin of his wings, scrutinize his claws/paws, his teeth, his tail, his scales. Apparently, she hadn't ever had a chance to examine a dragon this closely without being attacked, and she had no wish to spend that much time with a dragon corpse.

(Percy had carefully kept his face blank at hearing that particular comment)

He tolerated it, for the most part, but he drew the line when she held his one of his tendrils. Those tendrils, he found, are used to sense the currents underwater along with air currents on land, though they tend to be weaker than on water, and them being held between fingers hurt like hades to the point he unthinkingly tried to bite her.

She wasn't upset, thankfully, and she was more careful in examining the tendrils as they waved like submerged seaweed in the air.

Percy, meanwhile, was left put off at the fact that something as sensitive as that was located on such a vulnerable place as his face. Someone could just grab the things he would be defeated.

And as life as a demigod had taught him, defeated often means dead.

Regarding the often one-sided conversations, it seems that Percy unwittingly got appointed as an unofficial sounding board for the wife of a village chief that was currently in a peace treaty meeting thing with a village quite a distance from here.

Oh, and she's possibly pregnant.

But she, nor her husband, had not figured it out that possibility yet, Percy had just recognized the signs from once stumbling into a book on pregnancy. That happened to be in a font much easier to read for his dyslexic brain.

His poor, poor, nine year old brain.

But he digress.

As her official sounding board he was able to learn that this world, or at the very least this part of this world, was predominantly of the viking culture. Yes, beard-faced, armor-wearing, Norse-worshipping, vikings.

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