|47| I Love You

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"Honey, what are you doing here all on your own?" you look at the door to see your grandmother standing with a smile. 

It the day of your grandmother's birthday but it wasn't only her birthday but also the anniversary of your grandparents. Your grandmother's birthday is a special day because it's the day where your grandparents met, fell in love and even got married. The party is alway at their place.

The house is quite big as this is the house they first bought together and started their family. They never moved out. This house has a lot of memories. The house walls filled with their pictures. Pictures of their kids and their grandkids...

When you got here with your family, you greeted everyone that showed up. The whole family came and everyone was having fun but then you needed to go to the bathroom. You went but when you finished, you didn't go back to the party, instead you went into the small library room.  

You walked around the room with a smile. You found a picture book so you grab it, taken a seat on the couch that's in the room and look through it with a smile. The picture book was filled with memories of your grandparents, when they were young to now. It was big and there's still a few pages at the end that doesn't have any pictures.

But when you heard your grandmother's voice by the door, you look at her and quickly get up, "Sorry," you tell her as you ere going to put the book away but your grandmother just chuckle and shakes her head.

"No, dear," she says as she walking towards you. You place the book on the couch and walk to your grandmother to help her walk, "I may be old but I'm not that old," she says while laughing.

"Can't help it grandma," you tell her as you both walk to the couch. She sits down and you do as well.

"I knew you were going to be here when I didn't see you downstairs with the others," she says and you smile, "Every time you came to visit, this is where you always end up hiding," she says and you look around the room.

"I read every single book in this room... I don't know why... It's just that I feel at peace here. I like the smell, the books are interesting, it quiet and peaceful... Being in here, I don't have to worry about the outside world," you tell her which made her smile gently.

"Can you pass me that, dear?" she ask as she points at the photo book.

You grab it and gently hand it to her. She places it on her lap and opens the first page. It was a photo of her when she was young, "I was seventeen when I met your grandfather. He was fifteen but looked eighteen but he was also smaller than I was so when we first met, I saw him as a kid," she says which made you giggle as you have heard the story but you love hearing it over and over.

"It was my birthday and I was sort of at a rebellious stage back then so I went out with a few of my friends to this skateboard park to check out the boys. It's were I met my husband. He talked to me but I told him that he didn't have a chance as he was just a kid in my eyes," she says as she goes through the pictures, telling the story of every single one.

You sit there and listen to her talk with a smile, "That same day but later on the day, my friends and I went to a party and my parents were angry about it because I sneaked out of the house to go," she says with a giggle. "But in that party, I saw him there and we danced. We even talked that night and he got me to open up. Walked me home that night. I then started to see him more often and I found out he was an honour student at his school while I was the student that would skip classes and not give a single shit-- oh forgive my language," she says which made you laugh.

"No worries, grandma," you tell her as you wanted her to continue.

"He convinced me to go to the library. He convinced me to study and told me that even good notes or grades I got, he would buy me food and I love food so I alway did my best. My parents started being proud of me because I wasn't the trouble maker anymore. I was slowly going back to being the daughter that would smile and do what she believed was right," your grandmother says as she looks at the picture of herself with her parents.

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