Chapter Three - Don't Leave Me

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I'll be honest, my mind went blank. This admittedly isn't one of my best works but it does the job. I do have a basic idea but I would love feedback. Anywho, back to this!

 Anywho, back to this!

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Jay's pov

I sped through the empty streets lit only by the street lamps and the headlights on my car. I'd occasionally see another car pass by but for the most part, I was alone out here. The reason I was in such a rush was because my boyfriend, Joseph, called saying he found Elias beaten up in an alley and they needed to be picked up.

I don't know how bad the damage was, he didn't say. All he said was he was luckily awake, can't stand too well on his own due to a large gash on his left leg, and that his left arm is potentially fractured but not broken. He also said Elias said not to call Daniel and I knew exactly why.

About a week ago, I went to the Lim household to hang out with Elias since I'd be working on his birthday. I ended up seeing Dan a good bit from his house seeming really worried and calling out for someone. He started frantically waving his arms around when he saw me and even ran in the road like a dumbass.

I slammed the brakes and he ran over to me as I got out. I was about to yell at him for running infront of me like that but he immediately cut me off and started asking if I'd seen Elias on my way there. I said no and he broke down crying. I pulled him out of the road trying to calm him down and after a bit, he finally told me what was going on.

Since then, we'd been searching their town and the small city next door for any sign of the younger male but to no avail. Daniel has cried and cried to the point he has no more tears left and he was so scared that, especially given how bad of an area this is, Elias was gonna be dead by the time we found him.

Of course, I did call Dan to tell him so he wouldn't have to worry if his brother was safe or even alive anymore and while he was clearly hurt by Elias not wanting him to be told, he understood and was just happy to know he was okay.

As I pulled over after 35 minutes of driving, I saw Elias sitting on the ground with Joe sitting beside him using his jacket to keep the blue haired male warm. "Elias!" I called out running towards him and pulling him into a hug. I had a firm grip on him as if he'd disappear the moment I let go. "J-Jay!?" he said, his voice shaking.

I soon pulled out of the hug but never fully let him go. "Elias, do you have ANY idea how worried I was!? I was looking everywhere for you!" At this point, tears were pouring down my face but I was way too worried about him to care.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please, d-don't yell! I really didn't mean to!" "Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna yell. I'm just glad you're safe" I said trying to calm him down. He just curled up in my arms crying nonstop. I started rubbing circles on his back hoping that might help and it seemed to work a little bit.

After calming him down, I decided to check the damage. 'I swear he better be alright or there's gonna be blood.' Luckily, the damage seemed to mostly consist of small cuts and bruises which was to be expected given the circumstance. Then you of course have everything Joe already explained over the phone. But then, I realized there was a scar under his hair. "Elias, how did you get this scar!? What happened to you!?" I asked moving his hair aside.

The scar went all the way from his hair line to his jaw line like someone had slid a knife down his face and it seemed to go through more flesh the lower it got. Elias opened his mouth to answer but stopped himself for some reason. I wanted to know what happened to him but after what happened with his brother, I decided to wait until he was ready to talk about it. "Come on, Elias. We should be getting home."

I grabbed his hand to help him get to his feet but I immediately noticed something off about the way he moved like it was hurting him. "Elias, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked concerned. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sore. That's all." "Why? What happened to you?" He got this look in his eyes after I said that and I knew what had happened from the look alone.

I looked over to Joe and I didn't even need to say anything for him to know what I was thinking. He looked away and slowly nodded confirming my suspicions. My heart broke at the thought and I hugged Elias. I never wanted to let him go. I just wanted to hold him close so I could protect him and shield him from all of the pain and misery this world likes to put on everyone.

Afterwards, Joe helped me to get him in the car. He fell asleep about halfway back leaving me to have to carry him inside. I didn't mind of course and just laid him on the couch and grabbed a few blankets to help keep him warm. Joe took care of what he could.

His father was a doctor and given how curious Joseph is, I'm not surprised he knew stuff like this without ever working in the medical field (plus I just want an excuse so Elias isn't in the hospital every other chapter). Afterwards, we went to our bedroom and got dressed into something cozier.

"Hey, are you okay?" Joe asked concerned. "No, I'm not okay! He's like a brother to me, Joseph! Do you think that this is what I wanted to happen!?" I snapped making him flinch a bit.

"Sorry. I-I shouldn't be yelling at you. It's just he means alot to me and it hurts me to see him go through this." "Why was he even out there in the first place?" I sat down on the bed still pissed about everything. Joe was never too close with Elias so I wasn't surprised he didn't know what was going on. Taking a deep breath, I explained what I could.

"He's been snapping alot recently. Every now and then he'll go after me or Dan but mostly it's his parents, Diana and Robert, who are the main target. We've been trying our best to stop it but it seems the harder we try, the worse it gets. Recently, he nearly killed Robert leaving Dan to have to kick him out and by the time he had calmed down, no one could find him. We don't know why this is happening. Anytime we bring it up, Elias never gives us a straight answer if he even answers at all and when he does all he says is that he had no choice and that we'd never understand. I'm worried he got himself involved in something, Dan's worried there's something wrong with him mentally, and we're both afraid that one day he's gonna take things too far. I'd like to keep him here at least until he heals up and we find out what's been causing all the sudden outbursts. Until then, I want you to be careful cause if he's gonna nearly kill his father, who knows what else he'll do."

Joe was kinda shocked about all of this but agreed to help for me and I hugged him. "Thank you for everything." He returned the hug and we finally decided to get some rest. "Goodnight Kitten." "Goodnight" he replied as we finally drifted off to sleep.

'Goodnight, Elias. Don't ever leave me, okay?'

Another chapter done. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and have a great day!🧡💛💔

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