Corrupt Elias - story 2 pt 2?

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Hey guys, soo... it appears I can't continue the corrupt Elias using images because the images don't want to show up. I'll try some other time but for now I figured I'd do something a little different. Since the images don't want to show up I'll write the story out.

Gavin's pov

The static cleared now recording Elias asleep. He looked so peaceful. Soon, Daniel walked in holding a blue & yellow megaphone. As his eyes fell upon the sleeping male, he paused watching him. "Elias, please forgive me for what I'm about to do" he said before putting the megaphone to his mouth and screamed. "WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD!!!" Elias woke up clearly frightened but soon realized what was happening when daniel burst out laughing. "Daniel!? What the fu- there had better be a fire!" he angrily screamed. "I'm so sorry, Elias! I just had to!" Elias jumped down from his bed yanking the megaphone from Dan who put up no fight. In seconds, he threw it across the room before turning his attention back to his brother. "I swear I will fucking murder you one of these days!" "Sorry." Elias calmed down and took out the hair tie he used every night. "It's fine, just don't do it again" he said letting his ocean blue hair fall down over his domino-colored eyes. "Alright, well you better get changed if you plan on going somewhere." That's when the entire mood shifted. Elias seemed uncomfortable as if he knew something wasn't right which it wasn't. "I don't know if I feel too comfortable doing that." Daniel stopped and looked back at him worried. "Why not? Is everything okay?" he asked as Elias just stared at him. He took a deep breath before answering. "I'm sure it's nothing and I'm just scaring myself but I feel like I'm being watched." Then something happened that sent a chill down my spine. Behind the camera, a mysterious voice just quietly laughed. It sounded like it was male though I don't recognize the voice and it was clear from Joey's expression that he didn't either. "That's because you are" he simply said. It was clear he didn't have good intentions by doing this. "Oh great so there's a creepy ass man stalking Elias! Just perfect!" Joey shouted angrily as the tv went to static once more.

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