Chapter Ten - Friends

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Elias's pov

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Elias's pov

I was asleep in bed, well half asleep due to the summer sun shining through the window, when I thought I heard someone come in the room. I was too lazy to roll over and look so I just stayed still and listened to see if I heard them again. Everything seemed quiet in the room so I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

A minute later, I felt something move around on my bed. "Dandan, go away" I said assuming it was my brother taking my stuff to annoy me but then something sat on top of me. Startled, I looked up worried it was my parents. "Hiya!" "Aaaahhhh!!" "Aaaahhhh!!"

I was both kind of relived and very surprised when I noticed two kids, both looking about my age, in my room. The one sitting on me had light blue hair and light purple eyes. The other kid standing by my bed had dark grey hair with a faint blue tinge to it, especially where light hit it. His eyes were this weird blue green color. They were very pretty with his hair, actually.

"Why are you two screaming?" the blue haired boy asked. "He scared me!" the grey haired boy replied. "U-umm, w-who are you t-two? And g-get off my bed. P-please?" Great, I'm stuttering again. 'Why do you have to be so shy, Elias? This is why we get picked on at school.' The blue haired kid got off my bed, thankfully. "My name is Gavin!" he said with a bright smile. "J-Joey" the grey haired kid said not wanting to look at me. "I'm Elias" I said climbing out of bed.

I suddenly realized something and freaked out a bit. I went over to my dresser and grabbed a white bandana off the top then tied it around my neck. My dad had choked me with a rope last night and it left a visible mark around my neck. I'm not sure if it's faded yet or not and didn't want to risk it. "Why are you wearing that? It's so hot" Gavin asked. "Umm, n-nothing. I-I just f-find it lucky" I explained of course lying.

"Woah, are your eyes two colored!?" Gavin asked looking amazed. "Oh y-yeah. Though I-I don't think black and white c-count as colors." "They're so pretty! I wish I had two colored eyes!" "Th-thank you. Jay's look w-way better than mine." Gavin started asking some more questions, with my stutter slowly going away, but Joey was oddly quiet. I ignored it just assuming he was also shy.

After a couple minutes, the questions stopped when the door suddenly opened. "Hey, Eli? Have you see- oh!" "Hi Dandan" I said waving at him. "When are you gonna stop calling my that?" he asked annoyed. I laughed a bit at his reaction before asking him about Gavin and Joey. "Oh, you remember those guys that came over Tuesday? Those are their little brothers" he explained. "Anyways, we just wanted to know where they were. You three have fun! Don't die!" and he was out the door.

We all looked at each other for a bit before Joey said something. "So what do we do?" "I don't know. What do you guys like to do?" "Color, play games, puzzles, go to the park" Gavin said. "Anything that's not allowed. Climbing on the fridge, going higher than four branches on a tree, stealing candy, starting fires, running into the road and enjoying the chaos. Oh, and carrying knives!" Joey said pulling a butchers knife out of his black and white backpack. "So pretty much Jay." "I-I guess. I don't really know him." "Oh, he's super fun!" I said before deciding what we'd do.

Four hours later

We were all hanging out outside by a river that ran behind the house. There was a tree beside the river that me and Dan would climb. There was also a tire swing on the tree that Gavin was playing around on. I was sitting in front of the tree just far enough from Gavin that I wouldn't get hit reading my favorite book and Joey was playing around with the frogs beside a small pond.

"Look, I caught a hopper!" Joey said running over with a pretty big frog in his hands. "You mean frog?" Gavin asked. "You say what you want and I'll say what I want." "Alright, dummy." "Alright, stupid." "Bowls of cereal that's been sitting out for an hour, shut up" I said getting two very annoyed looks back. I didn't care much, I just wanted them to be quiet so I could read.

"Ugh, this is boring. Don't you have something else we can do?" Gavin whined while Joey just enjoyed his new frog friend. "We've done everything else already" I said before thinking about it for a bit. "Well actually, I do have some paint bu-" "Cool! Let's do that!" Gavin said getting off the tire swing. "Race you back!" he said and was about to run but I grabbed him. "That's the thing, it's not in the house. It's over there" I explained pointing across the river.

"Oh. Well then I'll race you over there!" he said trying to run into the water but I wouldn't let him go. "You can't swim across. The currents too strong. It'll pull you under." "Well is there like a bridge or something?" "There is but it's rotted and old. It'll break if you tried to walk across it now. You have to climb across." "Climb?"

I smiled and walked over to the climbing tree and began climbing. "You're a really fast climber" Joey said still holding the frog. "Thank you!" Finally, I stopped climbing and started walking across a specific branch holding onto the one above me for balance. After getting far enough, I carefully climbed down to a branch below me which was apart of a different tree on the opposite side of the river. Then, I just climbed down. Joey filled a small bucket with water, set it back in his backpack, and put the frog in it then him and Gavin climbed across.

"Did you have to bring the frog?" "Yes, I did." I rolled my eyes then we started walking. We walked for about twenty minutes before finally reaching a cave. Walking in, it was pretty big and with plenty of room to paint. The paints and brushes were sitting inside a makeshift box so animals hopefully wouldn't try to eat it. The paint is nontoxic and plant based so it shouldn't make them sick if they tried to lick it off the walls but you never know.

"Is this a wolf den?" Joey asked noticing scratch marks. "Yeah but it's abandoned now. I found some baby teeth though from the pups" I said grabbing a small bag out of the box and showing him the teeth. "Cool!" they said in unison. Joey walked over to the box and peeked inside. "Woah, that's alot of paint. How'd you get so much over here if you have to climb?" "I brought them over here before the bridge started braking and became to dangerous to cross." Joey then set the bucket with the frog down and grabbed some paint, then Gavin, then me.

We painted all sorts of things for who knows how long before we had a special visitor. "And what are you three doing all the way out here?" I turned around and noticed Ajay walking into the cave. "Hi, Ajay! What are you doing?" "Oh nothing really. Just stretching my wings. That and your brothers are looking for you."

"Woah, cool! You're the demon guy!" Gavin said. "Yup, full-blood Bloodwing royalty" he said showing off his red fire. I remember him telling me once that fire was unique to royals and that very few non-royal Bloodwings had the ability. Most Bloodwings have large and sharp removable spikes on their tail. There was a third power of electricity but it was very very rare. He said his old mentor and caretaker was the first Bloodwing in his pack to get the ability in over eight decades. Gavin and Joey were of course amazed by the display.

"Well anyways, you guys ready to go?" Ajay asked closing his hand to put the fire out. Gavin whined a bit not wanting to leave but agreed after Ajay said he could fly us back (he's stronger than the average human so carrying three 8 year olds isn't a problem for him). Before we left, we decided to do one last thing to signify our friendship. We each dipped our hand in our favorite color then marked the wall with our hands.

'Friends forever'

Sorry this chapter is so short. Bye~!🩵💔🖤

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