Corrupt Elias - Story 2 pt 3

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We are finally wrapping this up guys. Now I had alot of fun writing out the last one so I wanted to do it again. So anyways, here is the Corrupt Elias finale!

Joey's pov

The static goes off as quickly as it came on to reveal a huge, dark, empty room lit only by the camera's light. The floor was checkered with a familiar blueberry boy sitting in the middle of the screen. "Hello there, Elias." It was that strange man again. "Leave me alone!" Elias rightfully screamed, covering his head with his hands as tears flowed down his face. I've never seen him so scared before and I never wanted to. Soon, the tv once again went to static. "Wait, what!? Gavin, please tell me Elias is home right now!" I asked, panic in my voice. We were currently sharing a house (why? I don't know) and Elias was here this morning. Everything was so confusing. The static cleared once more to reveal our best friend lying on the ground in a pool of their own blood. "Oh my gosh!! Elias!" Gavin screamed with tears in his eyes. Upon further inspection, I realized a scar going over his right eye, the black one. Only it wasn't black anymore. He was blind in that one eye. "S-someone. Help" Elias said in a weak voice. The static flashed on screen for only a minute before we were once again taken to something new. This time, Elias was sitting up with his hands up near his mouth which had been stitched in a smile. There was also blood soaked bandages covering his eyes and his skin was worryingly pale. "..... Elias?" Gavin said hesitantly as Elias lifted his hand to the bandage, removing it to reveal a truly horrifying sight. "ELIAS!?!?" we screamed in unison. Our eyes were locked on the screen as blood poured continuously out of the empty black holes where his domino-colored eyes used to be. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" I repeated as the younger male leaned over to grab a black spider mask with red markings that was on the ground beside him. "Who did this, is it real, and why the fuck is it playing on my tv!?" Gavin yelled. We were just confused, upset, and pissed. We didn't really know what to think or do. Elias put the mask on and soon he started changing. "Hey Elias, say hi to your 'friends'" the man said. Elias's hair changed colors from the usual ocean blue to black fading to silver and a large red strip in the front. "Say hello to my newest creation" the guy continued as Elias grabbed a chainsaw and started it up. My heart dropped when I heard the door open. I turned to Gavin panicking. "Please tell me that was your brother who just opened the door!" The tv went to static as we turned to see what was there. Little did we know that it would be the last thing we ever did.

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