Chapter Five - New Home

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Hey, I'm finally doing chapter 5 guys! And yes DarkDull59 I am taking it easy. Also, no more headache so that's fun! Anywho, with that said I give you chapter 5.

 Also, no more headache so that's fun! Anywho, with that said I give you chapter 5

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Joseph's pov

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. It wasn't much, just some pancakes but hey it was something. Jay walked in and I handed him his plate. He thanked me and sat at the table to eat. I was washing the pan when Jay, out of the blue, asked me something. "Hey, Joseph?" "Hm?" "About last night, was Elias.. you know... raped?"

I froze for a bit having pushed that out of my memory already. After a few seconds, I answered. "Yeah.. yeah he was" I said feeling really bad like I could've done something. Jay looked beyond pissed but quickly calmed himself down before he did something he'd regret. "Did you happen to see what they looked like?" "Light red eyes and their hair looked kinda like Dan's but a strawberry blond. That's all I could make out, sorry."

Jay nodded and continued eating. After he was done, he washed his plate then kissed my cheek. "I gotta go to work, okay? I'll be back later tonight and remember what I told you about Elias. He mostly gets triggered with touch so just keep your distance." "I will. Love you, Sunflower." "Love you, Buttercup. OH! And no sudden movements! He doesn't like that either. Be safe!" and with that, he was out the door.

I turned back around and started making some coffee to help wake me up. Afterwards, I went over to the couch where Elias was still fast asleep. I set the plate on the table and gently shook him awake. "Elias, wake up" I said in a calm, gentle tone. "Hm?" he hummed finally waking up. "Morning." "Oh, hey Joseph." He sat up flinching a bit when he put pressure on his left arm. I did a quick check to make sure nothing's infected and that it's all healing properly.

"Alright, so be careful with your left arm. I'll see what I can't do, might have to call Dad to help. On another note, brought you something to eat." "I'm not hungry." "No sir, you are not giving me that. Your underweight, been in an alley for a week, and Jay always mentioned how they rarely saw you eat half the time." He looked kind of annoyed when I called him out but he also looked kind of happy or even grateful. Either way, he took the food.

"So where's Jay?" "Working." He nodded and continued eating in silence as I sat down beside him and started looking for something to watch. "Hey, uh, did you talk to Daniel recently?" Elias asked breaking the silence. "Um, yeah. I actually called him yesterday just an hour or so before leaving and finding you. Why?" "Did he say anything about me or what happened?" Oh now I understand.

"Elias look, he didn't mean what he said. He didn't want to push you away and he still loves you very much. He was just upset and did the only thing he could think of so don't take any of that to heart. Give it some time for things to settle down and I'm sure it will be back to normal before you know it. Okay?" He just nodded and hugged me. "Thank you for everything." "No problem" I replied returning the hug.

Later that day

Jay's pov

"I'm back!" I shouted kicking down the door just cause I was bored and I knew Joe hated it. "Ah, the triumphant return. Lovely" Joe said clearly annoyed. I laughed a bit at his reaction. "Hey, Kitten. So where's SJ?" I asked and he just looked at me confused. "Who?" "Socio Junior?" "Huh!?" "Okay, who just moved in with us!? I mean seriously!" Joe looked confused for a second before face-palming himself. "Right, Elias. I haven't heard you call him that in years. He's in the kitchen right now." I chuckled a bit at Joe's reaction and walked towards the kitchen.

I found Elias, now freshly cleaned up from being in an alleyway for a whole week, sitting there on his phone. I couldn't help but smile seeing him wearing my red hoodie, one of my favorites behind my signature green one. As I got closer, I saw what he was watching. He was watching some videos of Dan and him on his brother's channel (because yes they are still YouTubers I just never bring it up). I leaned my head on the younger male's shoulder wrapping my arms around him. "Hey, Elias. I'm back." "Oh, hi Jay" he said but he sounded upset. I figured he was thinking about Dan and decided it was best not to bring him up.


After we ate, we all decided to sit down in the living room floor and play 20 questions but spun it into a sort of guessing game. "Oh! Cemetery! Cemetery!" I squealed. "Correct!" Elias replied almost mimicking his brother. "Yaaaay!" I said clapping excitedly. "Wait but when he asked if it was a good date spot, you said yes!" "No. I said it would be for him." This earned us the weirdest look from my boyfriend. "Both of you guys got issues!" "Aww, you don't wanna have a nice romantic walk through the graveyard?" "NO!!"

The two of us burst out laughing at the look he gave us. "Alright, you know what!? I'm done! I'm done with this! I'm done with you two! I'm going to bed." I suddenly got an idea and got up. "Oh, no your not!" I said trapping him in my arms. "Jay! Let me go!" "Sorry, Josie! That ain't happening!" I said and his face went beet red as I only ever call him that for one reason. It had basically become our code word for when I started getting... certain feelings.

"Josie?" Elias asked confused. "Don't ask. Just listen to some music or turn the tv on though I think I can keep it down enough" I said looking back at Joe who was somehow even more flustered knowing full well what that meant for him. Judging by a certain something that just showed up, however, I don't think he minded the idea.

"Okay?" Elias said clearly a bit confused, which wasn't hard to see with his hair now tied up, but he didn't question it and found something to watch. "Night guys" he said climbing on the couch and wrapping a black fluffy blanket around him. "Goodnight Elias." And with that, I turned my attention back to Joe who's still struggling to get free. "And as far as you go." "Oh, for the love of-" but before he could finish I dragged him to the bedroom, locking the door behind us.

'Sure, our place may get a bit chaotic at times but at least Elias has himself a new home where he's safe'

And done. I think you can all guess what Jay and Joseph were doing. So this chapter is a bit of a break from everything that's happening. With that said, have a wonderful day. Bye~!🧡💛💔

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