**The Encounter*

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**The Encounter**

“Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums and parks and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.”

Chapter 1

Storm’s POV

“Aargh!” dammit today is just not my day. It’s an overcast day, I’m in a hurry and I haven’t had breakfast not to mention how I’m dreading the long day ahead of me that is to come. I quickly throw on my black pencil skirt and begin tucking a baby blue long sleeve shirt in since blue is my favourite colour and as I’m dreading the day, I figured wearing my favourite colour will tranquilise my mood. I put my black blazer on and step into my black heels straightening the collar. I inspect my reflection one last time, checking my make up before I step out my condo. Fiery brown eyes with winged jet-black eye-liner, mascara and red lips that stand out against my chocolate caramel skin ,stare back at me with my golden brown hair cascading down my back, framing my face whilst my side fringe is clipped to the right side of my head. I have to make sure I look perfect and professional. I’m not one to mix business and pleasure and my demeanour at work ensures these assholes stay in line and do their work.

Enrique stands waiting patiently by the open car door as I approach the black suv and gives me a warm smile, “Goodmorning Miss Storm”. I quickly return the greeting with a smile, Goodmorning Enrique. I step inside and he closes the door and soon we’re cruising away. I then proceed to tell him to make a quick stop at Starbucks so I can grab breakfast since I didn’t have any time this morning. Enrique has been working for me for the past 5 years as my chauffeur, head of security and anything else that I require of him. With running my businesses, things got hectic and let’s just say that not everyone in the business world is too happy about my successful establishments. Yes, at the age of 26 I own my own businesses making me a billionaire and earning the Medias’ much welcomed title of most eligible bachelorette. I roll my eyes.

I mean why can’t they just leave me alone? Seriously, they invade my privacy more than the president’s. They even called me the “Mysterious billionaire”. I suppose it’s true to some extent. After all I do believe that some things should be private and left to the imagination. Where’s the fun if they know everything about me? Besides I’m not sure they’d even like me if they found out what I did in my free time and I can’t risk them finding out. Lord knows how that news would affect Paradise Hotels, Hunter’s restaurants or Toxic’s clubs. I know what you’re thinking...who the hell am I and do I own all these businesses?

My name is Storm Hunter and yes I own all three which are chain enterprises all over the world. How I amassed this empire? Simple. I worked when I was in school and throughout university. I invested in the stock exchange and soon had enough to build my reputation in the business world. Starting off with a single Paradise hotel that soon became a raging success in less than 2 months it had been opened led to the establishment of many more and soon I was making enough to expand my business and opened up Hunter’s restaurants and Toxic clubs.

Looking out the window, I groan at the sight of the traffic. Welcome morning rush...Now if we could just hurry up and get to Starbucks already.

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