Chapter 16 - Just Everything

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The food was calling to me as I just entered the venue. I was the last one to arrive and I was so hungry. The pork with the crackling called to me as I rubbed my empty tummy. I had been busy looking for the veil and I had to sign for the flowers once they finally arrived. I had no such luck in finding the rings though, but I couldn't care less right now I was starving.

"You know, if you stare at the pork it is still going to be just a dead pig cooked in fat and grease, right?" Jack spoke as he came and stood next to me. I looked at him quickly and tried to steady my breathing. Where in gods name did he come from? 

"Oh really? I didn't know that. Are you a vegatarian?" I said sarcastically.

"Me? Vegatarian? No! I love me some pork!"He smiled wickledly.

I stepped up and grabbed a plate and handed it over to the man who was carving the pork with expert precision.

"Where were you? I was starting to wonder where you had gotten too." He stated as he put his plate forward too. Did this kid not get the hint? I am hungry, exhausted, stressed and above all flustered by how close he was standing next to me.

"I had to do some stuff back at the house." I stated as I tried to walk past him to get to the salads.

"You walked by yourself?" He asked with eyebrows raised.

"Yep." I replied.

"A beautiful woman like you should not be walking home alone, even in this small beach town. Let me know when you are going to head off, I'll walk you home." He turned on his heel and walked off in the other direction. Did he just call me beautiful? Why did he keep calling me that? I can't tell if he is flirting or just being polite.

I stared at the greek salad in front of me before I turned around and looked at the direction he had left, he was talking to Sarah. Of course he was talking to Sarah, with her long legs, her bright smile and her Anglina Jolie lips looking all sexy and shit. Well there goes my chance with Jack. Wait, what? Did I want to get with Jack? Was I jealous that he was talking to someone as beautiful as Sarah? Ugh!

I remember when Edward tried to get with Sarah and she out right rejected him. Poor Edward was heart broken. He quickly got over it though when he slept with my bestfriend, Sasha. I was so angry that I kidnapped him when he went for his morning run and tied him onto Mum and Dad's flagpole...naked. I obviously got some of the lads from work to help but they were rookies so they didn't tell on me. Sasha had always been in love with him and when he slept with her she thought something was going to come from it but nothing did. So she moved away to Australia and now we talk on the phone.

"Hey Ugly! What are staring at?" Edward said as he stood next to me.

"You gave me a fright!" I said as I punched him in the arm. "I wasn't staring at anything, Unplanned."

"Still calling me Unplanned, so original! Ha.Ha. You were staring at Jack!" He said loudly. I threw my free hand over his mouth.

"If you don't shut the fuck up, I will tie you to the flagpole again. You get my drift?" I said threw gritted teeth. "And I was not staring at Jack." I removed my hand from his mouth and walked over to a free table at the back. I sat down and Edward plonked down next to me. Why can't he just leave me alone? Big Brothers!

"Yes you were! Everone can see you have the hots for him. In my humble opinion I would warn you to stay away." Edward said as he started picking at my food. I swatted his hand away and looked around the room before I asked.

"Stay away from him? Why?" I questioned.

"I was at med school with him and he went through girls like you go through Weight Watchers health bars." He laughed. Ouch, that hurt. I pushed my plate away and sunk in my seat. "Sis! I was joking! Come on don't be like that! You're hungry I can tell! Look I'm just playing." I looked down at my hands and sighed. He was right I was starving but he hurt my feelings. It was hard enough being the ugly kid but being the fat one was too much to handle. I was bigger than Caz but that was because of my job. Ugh, way to ruin my night Edward.

After I didn't say anything he carried on. "Look, Jack was a player in Med-School but he's calmed down now, he seems cool. But, Cameron," He paused and grabbed my seat so I was facing him, and when I didn't look up he grabbed my chin so I was staring straight at him. "He isn't good enough for you Cam. You can do way better than him. You're beautiful, smart and funny. An-" I started to cry, I pulled my face away from his grip and walked outside hurriedly. 

I have no idea why I was crying. Ed never had deep conversations with me. We always joked and made fun of each other and thats how we communicated. I was much closer to him then I was to Ethan only because Ethan was a daddies boy.

I stood by the wall and bent over with my hands on my knees, trying to breath. My  throat felt as though it was closing up and my eyes where filled with tears. I heard loud stomping footsteps behind me and turned around to see Edwards concerned eyes. I gripped my throat and his eyes widened. He walked over to me and made me sit on the ground while he pushed my head between my knees.

"Cam, just try to take deep breathes, okay?" Edward said with a soft voice. Finally I was able to get air through my lips and down my throat to my lungs. I took several deep breathes before I looked up to Edwards worried eyes, he was crouched down in front of me concern clearly lacing through them.

"Cam, talk to me, Please." He begged. Tears stared to run down my face not knowing what to say. I cleared my throat and looked down at my hands. Ugh, what was wrong with me?

"Its everything! Its this wedding. Its Grandma Ivy being a spiteful old bitch. Its the flowers not turning up on time. Its Dad and how we keep walking on eggshells around eachother. Its Caz and her swollen ankle. Its this whole Maid-of-honour thing and how I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Its Tilly being in hospital, bloodied and bruised. Its that I shot Darrel and he was airlifted to Capital Coast Hospital. Its that I don't know if he is going to live or not.  Its my three week suspension from work. Its Liam wanting a new partner cause I'm too unreliable. Its Jac-" His name got caught in my throat and I looked up at Edward who had his eyebrows raised; I continued. "Its Bobby-Lee who posted on Facebook that he's engaged, to A MAN! Its Sasha not being here to tell me everything will be okay." Edwards flinched knowing full well it was his fault she wasn't here anymore. "Its you, saying all those nice things about me in there. Its the fact that everyone keeps making the point that I'm the ugly one and that I should be getting married before Caz. Its the fact that I realised I push people away because I'm too proud to let anyone help me and that I'm independent because I'm always trying to proved Dad wrong. Its just everything!" Edward sat next to me and pulled me into a tight hug. He didn't say anything, he just sat holding me while I let everything that I was bottling up, out. I needed this, a good cry.

After a few minutes I sat up and wiped furiously at my tears. I hated crying and mostly I hated crying in front of Edward, god knew he wouldn't let me live this down.

"Quick question, just so we're clear, you don't want me calling you beautiful, funny and smart?" Edward asked with a wide grin. I started laughing hystirically while I rolled around on the ground, Edward joined in and laughed just as loud. A throat being cleared silenced us both and we looked up to see Jack looking amused.

He was smiling untill he looked at me. My eyes felt puffy and no doubt my make up had smudged.

"Cameron, you've been crying. Are you okay?" Jack asked as his voice came out hard.

Edward stood up and put his hands out to pull me up.

"She's fine, Jack." Edward said firmly. "We will be right in." Edwards voice was hard and held no room for arguing.

Jack took a courageous step forward and wiped a stray tear which had slid down my face. He smiled a tight smile then looked over to Edward and nodded before he walked inside.

"Oh, I think Jack has the hots for you!" Edward stated as he started to fan his face like a girl, blinking his eyes rapidly.

"Shut up!"

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