Chapter 4

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She  so in a trance, she didn’t hear the front door open, green eyes searching for her and pink lips calling her name in a concerned voice. “Annie Bell?” Percy called out into silent house. He felt bad for ignoring her today to calm down Rachel. Rachel is seriously a piece of work, even though she is the most popular girl in school, she sure enough isn’t a nice one. It was really uncalled for her to play around with Annabeth and her friend. “Annabeth I’m serious, where are you?” Percy starting to worry fast walked to Annabeth’s room. When he finally reached her room he saw her back facing toward him.

“Annabeth?! What are you doing? Could you even hear me?” Percy shouts at her entering the room. Annabeth jumps out of her trance quickly turning towards Percy, the razor hidden behind her back.


“No-Nothing… What are you even doing in my house?” Annabeth stutters quickly trying to make up an excuse.


“Spare key, remember?” Percy suspiciously stares at her.


“Right… That doesn’t answer my why.” Annabeth sarcastically says, pushing Percy out of the doorway to go into the living room.


‘It hurts to touch him like that’


Annabeth skillfully wipes her face without Percy questioning it.

“Annie Bell-” Percy begins, Annabeth shoots a warning glare at him making Percy backtrack. “Annabeth, I just wanted to ask about… Maybe trying to get along with Rachel?”


Annabeth gives Percy an incredulous look. “I didn’t start this whole mess! Its you and her that is the problem!” she finally shouts. “Ever since you and that witch started going out, we started hanging out less! Its not you and her that is innocent in this mess, you ARE the problem!” Annabeth takes a big breath.


“Don’t call my girlfriend a witch! She actually supports me in the things I do unlike you!” Percy finally broke.


“Me not supporting YOU?! I loved you Percy, I loved you even before you met Rachel! But I guess I’m not good enough for you…”


Percy’s green orbs got wide, shocked at what he heard. “You… You love me?” he whispers taking a step forward. Annabeth took a step back.


“See Percy, the key word was loved.” her eyes filled with tears.

“Annie Bell you can’t possibly mean that.” His own eyes started to water. Annabeth flinched at the pet name he use to call her.


“Hey Annie Bell,” 11 year old Percy giggles. “You have some ice cream on your nose.”

The little girl crosses her eyes to find the sticky sugar on her face. “Here, i’ll get it for you.”

Percy nervously grins, scooting closer towards Annabeth. He closes his eyes and quickly kissed her nose to get the cream off her face. Annabeth’s blush deepened to a tomato red as she started to stutter.

“So we won’t waste the ice cream!” Percy cheeky smiled as he scooted away from her.


“Percy, just go.” Annabeth quietly whispers. Percy slowly starts to back away, scrambling for the door knob.

“Annabeth I hope you forgive me.”

He quickly opens the door to escape from the angry shaken stare that Annabeth is giving him.


‘I haven't touched or talked to him in years...’

She curled into a tight ball on the floor, remembering how this exactly ended like last time.


Annabeth recollected herself and started getting ready for tomorrow. “I suppose dark colors would work for tomorrow, I’m miserable anyway.” she shakes her head. Hopping into bed, the blonde girl immediately went to sleep, not caring about anything else in the world. This was her dreamland.


The red-headed girl scoffed as he picked up her Starbucks coffee, smacking down the money.

“A little more sugar next time honey?” A fake smile was shot to the frightened girl behind the counter.

Rachel tossed her silk hair, possibly brushed 399 times (She only does everything in odd numbers) over her shoulders. She snapped her fingers alerting the two side-kick Barbies to follow her.

‘Sierra, darling, take off that necklace. It doesn’t look good with your outfit.” Rachel batted her eyes at the nervous girl.

“I...I uh… It’s a family heirloom Rachel.” Sierra whispered, knowing she was not going to win the fight.

“But aren’t we family?” Rachel glanced at Paige to show that she should follow along. Paige quickly reacted, shaking her head frantically up and down.

“C-Can you just give it-”

“Back? Of course hon, whenever I’m ready.” Rachel interrupted taking off the necklace herself.

“Paige, be a dear and put this on?” Raachel states, staring into Sierra’s eyes, questioning if she wanted to start an argument. “But this is not the real problem.” Rachel takes a sip out of her coffee, fingers playing with the stolen charm.

“I saw Percy strut out of that losers house.” She smacked her over glossed lips

“Which loser?” Paige starting to gain confidence questions.

“Ugh, like you even care Paige. I bet you're too busy sucking up to some guy to notice who i’m talking about. You know sometimes you can be an airhead?” Rachel glares at her.

“I was talking to Sierra, goodness gracious I hang out with idiots sometimes.”

Paige whispered a silent sorry, stepping to the side so the trembling girl could walk beside her.

“Anyway, that wretched Princess must have somehow contacted Percy, funny thing is, I didn’t see anything on his phone that looked suspicious.”

“M-Maybe he was just checking on her? He is her neighbor…”

Rachel paused, still sipping on her coffee. Sierra knowing she said something wrong scurried back to Paige’s side behind Rachel.

“Hmm, maybe Sierra. Or maybe, I’m wearing a weave that was crapped out by a pony?” Rachel angrily said leaving the two confused girls behind, not pausing to see if they follow.

“But we were just saying…” Sierra paused now noticing that Rachel is not listening anymore.

“Come on Paige let’s go.” Sierra sighed grabbing Paige by the arm.

“But Rachel-”

“Forget about Rachel for now. Lets go do something else.”

They walked the opposite way from Rachel, sparing glances behind their backs.

“I need new friends, I might contract the stupid by breathing their air.” Rachel finished her coffee and tossed it by a tree, not bothering to even stop walking.

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