you won't take off his hoodie

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A chill ran down your shoulder blades as you opened your eyes. You groaned as the sunlight hit your eyes.

After blinking a few times to adjust to it, a smile started to tug at your lips when you heard Jungkook singing in the bathroom over the running water as he showered and got ready for his day off to spend with you.

You sat up slowly and stretched out with a yawn. As you did so, the blanket slipped off your shoulders and exposed your skin to the cool air.

You shivered and rubbed your arms but quickly realized that your short-sleeved top wasn't quite enough to keep you warm.

Lucky for you, Jungkook had thrown his hoodie on the floor in his sleep last night when he got too warm. You quickly kicked the blankets away and reached for it, right as the water turned off.

You quickly pulled his hoodie over your head just as the door opened. You lied back down and pulled the covers over yourself to make it look like you were still fast asleep when in reality you were smiling from ear to ear as he walked closer and closer to you.

You felt the bed dip before he pulled the blanket off of you. You opened your eyes to find him staring back at you, his bunny smile showing as he poked your side playfully.

"I knew you stole it." He said as he tugged at the hem of his hoodie.

"Well, if you would've been cuddling me when I woke up, I wouldn't have had to reach for it. I got cold and I saw it so it's mine now."

He scoffed playfully before he put his arms around you and rolled you over so you hovered over him.

"You look very cute."


He nodded and kissed the tip of your nose while he took your hand and began to rub his thumb in circles over your knuckles.

"But I need you to take it off now."


He furrowed his eyebrows then chuckled.


You shook your head and then began to giggle as he peppered kisses across your face. You fell down beside him and looped your arms around his neck to pull him close.

He kissed the corners of your lips softly before dropping his forehead onto yours while his big brown eyes fell onto yours.

"It's warm and smells like you." You whispered and watched his eyes light up.

"You're so cute." He whispered before giving you a good morning kiss. "Okay. I'll let you wear it, but you have to let me take you out for breakfast."

You nodded happily and let him kiss you once more before you were pushing him away and rushing into the bathroom, inexpressibly happy about your breakfast date and the rest of the day that you get to spend together.

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