he's drunk and doesn't recognize you (requested)

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"We're so happy you're here, Y/N," Yoongi said as he pulled you in for a quick hug. "We know it's late and you were asleep when we called."

"Yeah, but it's alright." You assured. "When it comes to Jungkook, I don't care about sleep."

Yoongi sent you a big gummy smile as he led you to the other boys and, more specifically, your very drunk boyfriend.

Jungkook was extremely intoxicated, having got a little too caught up with the boys on one of his nights off in a long time.

You were more than happy when he said he wanted to go out with the boys; he has a couple more nights off to spend time with you and he deserves some time with his friends.

But seeing him this drunk was a little worrying just because you know he's going to be hungover and you hate seeing him so miserable.

"Y/N!" Jimin said as soon as he saw you.

"It's good to see you." Taehyung smiled.

"Good to see you all too." You happily said before standing in front of Jungkook. "Hey, handsome. Are you feeling okay?"

He hummed before a smirk pulled at his lips.

"I feel so much better now that you're here, pretty."

You shook your head with a giggle.

"The boys called me. They said you were pretty drunk. They weren't lying, hm?" You chuckled.

Jungkook looked at Hoseok and Namjoon, who were trying to keep him steady as they kept a grip on him.

"How come you never introduced me to your beautiful friend?" He asked them, his eyes wide.

"What?" Jin asked from beside him.

"She's beautiful. She said you called her. You should've introduced me to her." Jungkook drunkenly replied.

"Yeah, we did call her. She's our friend but she's your girlfriend." Hoseok reminded him.

Jungkook looked at you and his jaw dropped slightly as his eyes lit up.

"Wow, you're sexy. I'm a lucky guy." He slurred and smirked. "What's your name?"

You laughed.

"You're so drunk you don't even recognize me? We've been together for almost two years. You don't even remember my name?" You teased.

"It'll come to me, don't worry!" He drunkenly insisted, waving his hands around a little.

He stared at you wordlessly and sank his teeth into his lip as he looked you up and down.

"You're just so pretty." He whispered. "So, so pretty. I'm so in love with you."

Even though he was incredibly drunk, his words and the soft look in his eyes still made your heart skip a beat.

"And you're incredibly handsome." You complimented. "And you should know I'm so in love with you too, my baby."

He laughed happily, his cheeks heating up from your words.

"Do you remember my name yet? Do you remember me at all? Remember that I'm your girlfriend who loves you very much?"

"No, but I know it's something pretty because you're pretty." He assured.

You rolled your eyes playfully and then reached out to take his hand as Namjoon and Taehyung laughed over how drunk he was.

"Baby, let me take you home."

"Okay." He smirked.

"Not like that." You groaned. "To rest. You're drunk. You need to get some sleep because you are going to be very hungover in the morning."

"If you say so, pretty girl." He said and you wrapped your arms around him. "I'll go anywhere you want to go, as long as I've got you by my side."

The wink that followed his words made your heart flutter and with Jin's help, you got Jungkook out to the car, safe and sound.

"Are you feeling alright, baby?" You asked him as you got into the car and put the keys into the ignition.

He just groaned as the alcohol began to catch up to him, slowly but surely.

"I feel awful, Y/N," He whined.

"At least you remember my name now." You joked. "It's okay, baby. We'll get home and you can rest."

"Can we cuddle too?"

"Absolutely." You smiled and he put his head back against the seat, still drunk but also very sick. "When you feel better tomorrow, I'm so teasing you for this."

You started the car and began to head home, knowing that he was going to feel like hell in the morning.

But you'd be there to take care of him, just as he always is for you.

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