you lose a loved one (requested)

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Jungkook's eyes lit up as he walked through the door and found you sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, baby! I'm home." He said as he put his things down.

He thought you'd be getting up by now to come over and hug him but you just stayed where you were with your head hung.

"Are you okay?"

You shook your head before lifting it to stare at him with red eyes and wet cheeks from all the tears that have fallen so far.

He hurried over to you and sat down before putting his hand on your shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"My dad passed away." You sniffled.

Jungkook's heart dropped.

He didn't know what was upsetting you but he surely hadn't expected you to say that.

You both saw him a couple of days ago and he was healthy and happy.

"He got in an accident and he didn't make it. I got the call just a little bit ago. I'm sorry I didn't call you but I was in shock and,"

"Shh," He softly shushed, interrupting you.

He wrapped his arms around you and let you cry against his chest.

"I can't believe it. He's just gone, Jungkook," You cried.

"I know. I can't believe it either." He said as he kissed your head.

He'd always been so close with your dad.

Although he had been nervous to meet your parents when you first introduced him to them over a year ago, it had gone well and he's gotten so close to them both.

Your mom adores him and your dad always told him how he thought he was the perfect guy for you.

They had bonded well, their most common bond being that they both loved and cared for you more than words can ever express.

Jungkook even recently thought about talking to your dad about marrying you.

But now, he couldn't.

And truthfully, Jungkook feels just as devastated by the loss of your dad as you do.

"I didn't even get to tell him I loved him one last time." You sobbed. "I didn't get to tell him goodbye or thank him for always being such a great dad to me. It hurts."

"I know, baby," Jungkook said as he rubbed your back.

Tears filled his eyes and one fell down his cheek.

He was trying to be strong for you but he just couldn't help but cry with you.

"I know how much he loved you though and I know he knew you loved him just as much." He whispered to you. "I'm sure he's watching over you right now."

"You think so?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"Absolutely. You were his entire world, he told me all the time."

You smiled through your tears.

"He was great to me too. I feel so thankful that he supported us and that I got to know him." He said as you brushed your fingers across his cheek, drying his tears.

"I'm going to miss him so much. He was always there for me and he was always my biggest fan. I just don't know what to do without him."

You started to sob again and you trembled slightly in his arms, making him tighten his grip on you.

"It's okay, I've got you, baby. I'm not going anywhere, we'll get through this together. I'll be here for you." He promised as he kissed your head.

"Don't let me go." You cried.

"I won't, baby. Not now, not ever. I promise." He whispered. "It's all going to be okay, even though it doesn't seem like it now."

You clung to him tight and sniffled as he continued to kiss your head and whisper comforting words into your ears.

"Let it all out, baby. I'll hold you the whole time." He promised.

He closed his eyes as you continued to let the tears fall from your eyes endlessly.

He knew he couldn't do much to make it better other than be here for you, so that's exactly what he'd do.

And he wouldn't let go.

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