periods (requested)

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You tiptoed out of the bathroom and back to Jungkook's cozy bed as quietly as you possibly could.

The sun is just now coming up and you wish you could crawl back into his arms and sleep the day away with him on his day off.

His embrace always gives you so much comfort and you know there'd be no better way than that to spend the day.

However, the universe wasn't on your side today.

You woke up a few minutes ago and found out that your period had arrived. Thankfully, you didn't stain his sheets. But you did stain your pajama bottoms and you needed to run back to your place to get a new pair, as well as some pads, and some other things to help you cope throughout the day.

You're trying not to wake Jungkook. Not just because he's had a long week and is beyond exhausted and so deserving of spending the entire day that he has off just catching up on sleep.

But, also because you were a little afraid to tell him. You've spent a few nights at his place before, but this hasn't ever happened when you did, and you're feeling a little nervous about it.

The room was still quite dark, so trying to find the sweats that you wore yesterday that you knew were somewhere around his room, while also trying not to make a sound, was a bit of a challenge.

You managed to find them by feeling around for the fabric and you went to change out of your now dirty pajama bottoms and into them when the room suddenly lit up as Jungkook turned on a lamp.

You quickly turned to look at him and found him rubbing his eyes with a yawn. Your eyes locked with his sorta heavy ones. Seeing the sweats in your hand made him worry a little.

"Going somewhere?" He asked as he moved closer to you.

"Just out for a moment. You can go back to sleep, I won't be long, I promise."

He shook his head and put his arm around you. He placed his chin on your shoulder, his hand brushing along your back soothingly.

"Silly of you to think I could just fall right back asleep without you."

"You're tired."

"But not that tired. Plus, you're being dishonest. I can tell. So, tell me what's going on." He said and tried to pull you onto his lap, only for you to shake your head quickly and pull away from him.

"No, Jungkook," you paused and hung your head with a sigh. "I started my period."

You looked back at him, only to see him look at you as though he was confused.

"I have to go home to grab some clean clothes and some... things."

He took the hint, simply nodding his head as he rubbed your back.

"Okay. I get that. But why wouldn't you wake me to tell me?"

"I just got a little scared to tell you. It's a little embarrassing."

"You shouldn't ever feel that way, y/n." He spoke softly as he turned you around gently to look at him, his soft eyes gazing into yours. "It's only me. You know I won't ever judge you, no matter what you have to say. It's natural, y/n. Not like you have control over this."

"Thanks for being so understanding." You mumbled and he caressed your cheek with a sweet smile before leaning in to lay a kiss on your head.


You frowned a little as you felt the beginning of your cramps hitting and, instinctively, he rubbed your back again.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I should just go get everything and come back so I can rest and lay with you." You said and kissed his nose before you tried to climb out of bed, only for him to pull you against his chest and hold you tight.

"I'll go with you."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and brushed his teeth before grabbing his keys and your hand to lead you out the door and to the car, where he drove off to your home and let you take your time changing before he let you grab all the things you'd possibly need for the next few nights, that he practically begged you to stay with him for.

"Now I can take care of you." He said and kissed your cheek with a smile before driving off.

A couple of minutes later, when he realized just how silent it was.

He turned his head to you and saw you sleeping with your head against the seat. He squeezed your hand a little tighter as he continued to drive back home, where he carried you inside and tucked you into bed, where you hummed contentedly over the warmth.

Your eyes opened and you met his sweet gaze as he turned off the lamp and crawled in bed beside you.

He made sure you were cozy and warm and all good to get some rest before he pulled you into his secure arms and held you tight.

"Thank you, Jungkook." You said as you buried your face in his shirt.

"For what?" He asked, curious about what you could possibly be thanking him for.

Because, to him, everything that he did for you so far this early morning was what a good person does for the one they love so very much and care about so deeply.

He loves you.

He'd do anything for you in a heartbeat.

"Being an amazing boyfriend and for taking care of me."

"You know I'll do anything for you." He said and kissed your forehead softly. "Now, close your eyes and go back to sleep. If you need anything, let me know. I'll be here to take care of you and get you anything you may need."

You smiled to yourself as he brushed his fingers through your hair and continued to lay kisses to your head as he watched you fall asleep before he allowed himself to do the same, although he'd wake up and fight the sleep he felt if you needed him to get you or do anything for you whenever you may need him to.

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