you're pregnant and get hit in the airport (requested)

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As soon as the door to the car opened, you heard the screams coming from the excited fans inside the airport that were waiting for Jungkook.

Your heart was beating fast as he took your hand into his and brought it to his lips for a sweet kiss.

"Don't be nervous."

"I can't help it." You said as you placed your other hand on your bump. "There's a lot of fans and reporters waiting."

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you or the baby." He said as he put his hand over your bump. "You know that I'll always keep you both safe. No matter how many people are in there, my focus is only on you and our baby."

Your pregnancy just became public recently, though you're a few months along and it's quite noticeable.

You've managed to keep things private and managed to hide your bump until you and Jungkook were ready to share things with the rest of the world.

Since the rest of the world found out, it's been chaos.

Although most of the fans are happy for you and you've both been showered with so much love and so many congratulations, there are some people who aren't thrilled about your pregnancy and about Jungkook becoming a dad.

But he's tried to block those people out and has tried to get you to do the same.

It's just risky when it comes to things like this - when you have to travel, because you just don't know who or what you'll encounter along the way.

Jungkook completely understands your nerves.

In fact, he feels them too.

The thought of someone hurting you and/or the baby is always there in his mind.

But he tries to block it out and tell himself that you're both safe with the guards around you and that the fans waiting for him are the more level-headed ones.

"Come on, darling. We have to get going." He said as he kissed your cheek softly.

You took a deep breath before getting out of the car with him.

Someone grabbed your' and his luggage while you both headed into the airport.

"Focus on keeping my girl and our baby safe, please." He told the guards, his well-being, of course, still on his mind but not nearly as much as yours and the baby's.

You held his hand tightly as you entered the airport together.

The fans screamed loudly and the reporters began to snap photos and take videos as you stopped so Jungkook could take a second to bow and show his appreciation for his fans and everyone else that showed up.

Even though he was a little worried about you and the baby, he still tried to remain humble and kind to everyone.

"Come on." He whispered in your ear and began to walk through the airport with you.

And though he hoped that everyone in there would leave you both alone and keep at a distance, that's not what would end up happening.

Suddenly, as you both made your way through the airport, hoping to check in quickly and board the flight right after, the fans began to get a little overwhelmed.

And as you two walked, as Jungkook kept his eyes on you and tried to talk to you so your nerves would calm down a little, someone came over to you and ended up hitting your bump, making you gasp.

It was more out of shock and fear rather than pain.

You bent down a little as you held your bump while Jungkook looked around for the culprit who seemed to have disappeared.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked as he kept his hand on your back and one arm wrapped around you.

"I don't know." You said as you looked at him in fear.

He had never seen you so panicked before and although he tried to keep it together, seeing you that way shattered his heart and he quickly began to panic too.

You feared that the person that hit you might've hit you hard enough to cause serious damage to the baby.

You weren't that far along, not even close to it being time to bring them into the world safely.

It was terrifying.

You felt pain but you weren't sure if it was because you had been hit or if something was seriously wrong.

The guards were talking to the fans, asking if they'd seen who did it and if so, where the person had gone.

But Jungkook couldn't worry about the fan that did this to you as much as he was worried about you.

"I need to get you to the hospital." He said as he rubbed your back comfortingly, both of you more terrified than ever before because you were genuinely worried about the safety and health of your little one.

Jungkook caught the attention of a guard, who guided you both out of the airport and back to the car, where you both got in and hurried off to the hospital.

It didn't take long to get there and you were seen right away, considering the circumstances.

Thankfully, everything was fine, but you both still felt fearful.

As soon as the doctor left the room, you looked over at Jungkook, who had his head down.

"Baby?" You said and watched him lift his head.

"I can't believe that happened. I told you that I'd keep you and the baby safe and I failed."

"You did not!"

"You got hurt, Y/N. Something could've happened to the baby." He said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"But this wasn't your fault. You do a great job of keeping us safe. You couldn't have known this was going to happen. It caught us both off guard."

"I know but,"

"Stop. No but's." You said as you squeezed his hand. "Our baby is fine and so are we. Nothing matters more than that."

"I swear, if I find out who did this, if I catch them-"

"Jungkook," You chuckled. "Calm down."

"I'm so angry! What were they thinking? If I could, I'd hit them right back."

"You don't need to do that though. Because even though they tried to hurt me or the baby, they didn't succeed. Let's focus on that and on each other."

"Okay." He said as he kissed your forehead softly before putting his hand over your bump. "You're okay in there, huh? You're tough, like your parents."

You smiled and brushed your fingers through his hair.

"We can't wait to meet you in a few months. Love you lots." He said before kissing your bump.

"So much for your work and a little vacation." You said.

"We'll reschedule, they'll understand. For now, I'm just happy we're all okay."

"Me too."

He kissed your lips softly as he continued to caress your bump, relieved that the baby was safe and sound and that you were too.

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