he comes home to find you asleep

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Jungkook dropped his bag onto the floor with a yawn. He dragged his feet through the door before stretching his arms out over his head before he called out your name and began to kick off his shoes.

He'd had a long and busy day. He kinda hoped he'd walk through the door and you'd be there to greet him with your bright smile and a big, warm hug. He could use the warmth of your arms and the comfort they provide after he has days like he had today.

But the room was empty and you were nowhere in sight. He understood why; it's after midnight, probably nearing one in the morning now, and you've gotta be tired yourself.

It warmed his heart nonetheless that you left the lights on for him so he wouldn't trip when he came inside.

He was undeniably exhausted and ready to go to sleep, but there was a tug at his heart and as he climbed the stairs he began to feel less sleepy as a rush of happiness came over him about getting to climb into bed and hold you close for the rest of the night, until the sun comes up and leaves him no choice but to start another busy day.

He padded along the hall until he reached the bedroom. He noticed the tv was on and that your favorite show was playing. The covers were already pulled back for him to climb under, to join you in the comfort of your warm shared bed.

Heb noticed you were sleeping soundly. The volume on the tv was low enough that he could hear the soft breaths falling from your parted lips. Your hair was messy, you were wearing his shirt, and you looked so cuddly that Jungkook couldn't help but want to hurry to join you quicker.

He quietly walked past you as he headed for the bathroom, where he planned on brushing his teeth and changing. But he found himself turning back around to you before he even made it into the room. He couldn't help himself; you looked too sweet to resist.

He quietly padded across the floor and over to you. A lock of hair was hanging in your face, so he tucked it behind your hair for you while staring down at you adoringly. He leaned in to kiss your forehead softly and his lips lingered for a moment.

Your eyes opened at the brush of his lips. He went wide-eyed at first because the last thing he intended to do was ruin your peaceful slumber.

But you sent him a sleepy smile and looked at him with starry eyes while reaching for his tattooed hand to intertwine your fingers with his, and he melted immediately.

"You're home."

"Yeah. Sorry I woke you." He whispered softly and leaned in to kiss your cheek, but you moved and captured his lips with your own instead. He giggled against your lips, pulling away to gaze at you with that bunny smile you adore so much.

You let go of his hand to pat his side of the bed, wordlessly telling him to hurry up and join you.

"I'll be back in a minute." He said and brushed his fingers through your hair before he turned around to walk away, only to turn back and stare at you when you gently wrapped your fingers around his wrist to keep him from leaving your side.

"Come back."

"I just gotta brush my teeth and then I'll join you." He promised and kissed your hand before dropping it and going into the bathroom, where he closed the door and began brushing his teeth.

He finished a moment later and quickly changed out of his clothes that he wore in the studio that day and into something much more comfortable.

He was about to speak to you, about to tease you and coo over how cute he thought it was that you were wearing his shirt to bed.

But before the words fell from his lips, he turned around and went quiet upon finding you asleep once again. He smiled to himself and climbed under the covers with you.

He scooted across the bed to hug you close to him, planning on keeping a secure grip on you so he'd be able to keep you close throughout the night.

He laid his head on yours for a second before he moved so he could kiss the top of your head.

"I love you." He whispered and turned off the tv with a yawn so he could fall asleep and dream about you.

But you weren't quite asleep yet. One peek around your shoulders would've told him that as you were unable to contain your bright smile from the love and affection he was giving you.

He makes you feel so loved and your heart is always so full of love for him, too.

"I love you more, Jungkook," you said and your boyfriend stared at you in his arms wordlessly before grinning and laying his head back down on yours.

"That's just not possible. I love you most; to the moon and back." He mumbled as he fell asleep with you in his arms and a warm feeling in his heart.

No day could ever be that bad or that stressful when he's got you there to make everything better.

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