wake up - BTS eighth member (requested)

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"Jungkook? Jungkook, it's time to wake up." Namjoon spoke as he entered Jungkook's room.

He turned the light on and walked over to Jungkook's bed before gently shaking him awake.

"Jungkook, wake up!"

Jungkook let out a groan and pulled the covers over his head.

He turned onto his stomach and buried his face in the pillow, mumbling about how he was just too tired.

Namjoon groaned in frustration and exited his room before joining you and the boys in the other room.

"I can't get him out of bed." He said as he plopped down on one of the chairs. "He just won't wake up."

The boys all turned to look at you and you furrowed your eyebrows.


"You should go wake him up." Yoongi spoke.

"Why me? You heard Namjoon, he won't get out of bed."

"But he always wakes up for you." Taehyung spoke.

"He's slept in late enough already. Go wake him up. We have to start filming in the soop soon." Hoseok spoke. "Trust us, he'll wake up right away for you."

You put down your phone and got up from your seat before making your way down the hall to Jungkook's room.

You knocked quietly before opening the door.

"I told you already, Namjoon,"

"It's not Namjoon." You said as you entered the room.

Right away, he pulled the covers off of his head and turned over to face you.

His eyes lit up and the brightest smile pulled at his lips.

"Hi." He happily spoke.

"Hi. Good morning to you, sleepyhead. Namjoon says you won't get out of bed."

"No, no. I'm out of bed." He said as he sat up.

"For me but not Joon?" You teased.

"Yeah." He said with a smile. "It's different when it comes to you."

"How so?"

"Just is." He said as he looked you up and down. "You look pretty this morning."

"Thanks, handsome." You grinned. "Meet us out in the other room. We're all waiting for you."

He nodded and bit his lip as he watched you exit the room.

Falling back onto the mattress, he rubbed his tired eyes and smiled from ear to ear as his heart leapt.

He wouldn't ever complain if you were the one to wake him up each morning.

For you, he'll be out of bed in the blnk of an eye.

"So? Is he up?" Jimin asked as you returned to the room.

"Yep. He'll be out here in just a second." You replied.

The boys all shook their heads with smiles, leaving you confused.


"We told you." Jin spoke.

"He'll always get out of bed for you, just not us." Taehyung spoke.

"Why just me?" You wondered.

"Oh, come on, Y/N. You've known him for years now. You have to know by now that he has the biggest crush on you." Namjoon said.

"What? No, he doesn't."

"Oh, yes he does." Jimin argued. "He is head over heels for you. You are his whole world."

You thought about it for a second and you couldn't deny the way your heart skipped a beat at the thought alone.

Jungkook appeared in the room just a second later.Instead of finding his own seat, he decided to sit on the sofa right beside you.

And instead of sitting on the other cushion, he curled up right next to you, as close as he could get.

You didn't mind at all.

Being this close to him felt nice.He felt warm and he smelled good.

His hair was still a little messy and he looked adorable.

"What are we talking about?" He asked.

"Nothing." Yoongi spoke.Jungkook shrugged his shoulders before putting his arm around you to pull you even closer.

You put your head on his shoulder and he smiled happly as he stared at you, feeling his heart leap once more.

The boys watched and realized then that his feelings weren't just one-sided.

You had a crush on him too.

They all shared a look, knowing they had to find a way to get you two together.

You hummed contentedly as he held you close and even though he tried to resist the urge, he couldn't.

He leaned in and laid a soft kiss to your forehead, making your smile grow.

You looked into his soft brown eyes, wishing that he would ask you to be his, because you'd say yes to him in a heartbeat.

But, for now, you're happy like this.

And you just hope that he won't let you go anytime soon.

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