Chapter 2

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The turtles rode in the truck keeping their eyes open for the NYPD truck holding Shredder, Emma and Mikey played tick tack toe on the van floor

"I win!" Emma cheers as her brother groans in defeat

"Aw man that 11th time!" Mikey tosses the pen down in annoyance "How do you win?"

"You always go in the same pattern." Emma giggles

"I do not!" Mikey pouts

Emma shows him the multiple papers of tick tack toe all of them looking the same

Mikey just crosses his arms and grunts like a little kid

"Are we there yet?" Emma asked for the 50th time

"No Em not yet just keep your eyes open for the van." Leo tells her while looking out the window himself, Emma walks over to where Leo is sitting and climbs into his lap. Leo smiles at his little sister sitting in his lap.

Raph just rolls his eyes at Emma getting treated like a baby

"Guys!" Donnie grabs everyone's attention at the sight of foot soldiers on top of the van that was holding Shredder

Emma twirls the bottom of her shirt, that what she normally did when she was nervous. Leo noticed this and pats her head gently "Dont worry Emma we're gonna get him."

Donnie honks his horn and flickers the lights getting the soldiers attention "We bogies on the bus."

"Alright let's lighten up!" Leo grins lifting Emma out of his lap

"Okay hit the button."

Leo looks down at the dashboard but quickly gets blindsided at the millions of buttons he was looking at "Button? What button? There a million buttons!"

"Number three!" Donnie points

"Three Three." Leo searches for the button, luckily Emma knew exactly what button to push as she slams her palm down on one of the million buttons "Three!"

The grill of the front of the truck opens shooting out manhole covers as it knocks one of the soldiers off the side of the truck

"Whoa!" They all exclaimed

Soldiers on black slingshot vehicles start to speed up next to the turtle tank

"Uh guys?" Emma looks out the window

"Mikey clear our right flank." Leo orders

Mikey nods in response as he sits in a chair in the back of the truck holding two mechanical arms "Nunchuks giganticus!" Mikey smiles excited as two massive nunchuks appears out of the side of the truck "Say hello to my little friend!" He swings the nunchuks and the knocks the vehicle away making it skid to the side

"Yay! Mikey!" Emma cheers

"Yeah!" Leo nods

"Good job Mikey!" Donnie smiles

Mikey smiles in pride as Emma and Raph high five in victory

"Those things are pretty awesome huh"

Before Mikey could respond they passed under a bridge and hear a crash and the what sounded like concrete, Emma looked to see the mega nunchuks in the road off the truck

"Yeah pretty awesome." Mikey cringed

"Ooo you gonna get it." Emma snorts as Raph smirks

Emma saw that more soldiers were coming "Oo let me handle them!" Emma starts to go to the back of the truck but Leo stops her "Oh no Em it's too dangerous."

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