Chapter 10

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Splinter's voice was the first thing the turtles heard as they arrived back at the lair. "It is all over the police scanner, they are hunting you," he said, turning to them with worry in his eyes. "What happened up there?" He looks around and sees Emma isn't with them he gets wide eyes in horror "Where is your sister?"

"Tell him, Raph," Leo snapped. "Tell him how you broke rank, got us all exposed and got Emma captured by the cops. For the most selfish reason." He snatched the vial of purple ooze from Raph's hand showing Splinter.

"The Foot were gonna get their hands on it," he defended.

"You didn't know that!"

Donnie held his head in his hands. "Stealing from police headquarters... There's no scenario where you wouldn't get caught," he added.

"Maybe if you hadn't lied to your own flesh and blood -" Raph started.

"Oh, wait. Like the way you lied to April?" Leo retorted, glaring at him. "And now she's taking the fall for your mess."

"I didn't just do it for us I did it for Emma!" Raph points to Leo stepping towards "At least I'm the only one around her seeing the signs and actually listening to her!"

"No Emma is still recovering from the trauma! You saw what she did! She's not mentally ready to be up there with society!" Leo steps up to his hotheaded brother frowning in disappointment "What if she hurts someone else if they get too close to her, what if she has another panic attack and we can't get to her!"

"At least I try to help her!"

"You didn't do anything but put her back in the arms of people that can hurt her!!!"

"Stop Enough!!" Splinter gets in between the two brothers before they started to fight physically

Raph sighed before moving away, and Leo didn't continue.

"You should've seen the looks on their faces," Mikey murmured, sitting down in front of Splinter. "They weren't just... scared. There was... actual hate."

Splinter placed a reassuring hand on Mikey's shoulder. "It will be alright, my son," he soothed. "People fear what they do not understand."

"But what about Emma she looked so scared and we just left her there, what if they go back to doing bad things to her." Mikey looked at his dad scared for his sister. He loves her so much the last thing he wanted to see was her hurt or worse.

"Don't worry my son your sister will be fine, she will back with us shorty I can feel it just be patient."

Mikey stayed there as Splinter hurried after Leo, who was breathing heavily and stopped as their sensei said, "You can't walk away from this."

Leo turned. "I told him, Master Splinter," he said. "But Raph, he never hears a word I have to say. Now, I knew they couldn't handle the truth about the purple ooze," he held up the vial, "and you know what," he tucked it into his belt, "they proved me right."


"I don't know what to do!" he rushed on. "Donnie's nose is in his computer, Raph's brains are in his biceps, Mikey's head's in the clouds, and Emma ..."

Leo stops himself looking down at the vial in his belt tightens his hand on it little with a sharp sigh "She rushing into things. She wants to go up top but she goes into having a panic attack or nightmares, she's so small and fragile dad I-I ... I just don't want her to get hurt."

Leo sighed. "I can't get them all on the same page. To think with one mind."

Finally, Splinter got a word in. "You shouldn't want them all to think the same," he said. "It's their different points of view that make the team strong. A good leader understands this. A good brother... accepts it." Leo looked a bit taken aback at the words but remained silent as Splinter continued.

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