Chapter 6

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Casey looks around the lair with amazement and confusion, how could a whole family live in the sewer and make it comfortable and decent.

Donnie puts a spongebob bandaid on Emma's arm "Alright kiddo you're good to go." Emma tilts her head to the side giving him a look, that's when it hit him "Oh! Right I forgot." He smirks playful he takes her arm and kisses it "Muah! All better?" Emma nods, Donnie ruffs her hair and puts her back down on the ground

"If this purple ooze was injected into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream, it's feasible that where I to pinpoint a singular isotopic signature, I may be able to use it a track their location." Donnie comes out of the lab

"And if we find them, we find Shredder." Casey says as he sets his hockey stick and mask down to a nearby table. "Put them all in shackles."

Raph does sit ups while hanging upside down from a sewer pipe and crushes a soccer ball that Mikey threw at him. "As long as we all have our hockey masks, what could go wrong?" He laughs.

"Dude!" Mikey whines holding the flat ball

"Seriously? Now I'm taking wardrobe advice from a bunch of swamp things. Living in a underground amusement park, and have, forgive me, the most pretentious names ever."

"Uh, excuse me, I named them." April said.

"What does pretentious mean?" Emma looks up asking the woman

"It means showy." April leans over telling her

Emma gasps dramatically "Rude!" She pouts putting her hands on her hips angrily

Casey ignores her and turns at the sound of quiet rustling. "Hey, guys? Nobody move. Don't move!" he hissed at Mikey who looked at him confused. "There is a giant rat back there."

Everyone looks to see what the heck he was talking about. It was only Splinter tending to his bonsai trees while listening to the radio.

"Oh that's just our dad-" Raph admittedly covers Emma's mouth with a smirk wanting to have some fun with Casey.

After sharing a quick look with Mikey, Raph turned back to Casey. "Yeah, we've uh... Seen him around here before," he said, smirking at the others.

"Mm-hmm." Mikey nodded beside him.

Leo shakes his head mouthing the word "No!"

"You know, there's only one way to get rid of him," Raph continued. "You got to get low."

"Low!" Mikey repeated. "Yeah." Leo was still trying to tell them to stop, but Mikey and Raph didn't listen.

"When you go at him, you got to go fast," Raph told him, "and you got to go hard."

"We believe in you, Casey Jones," Mikey added. "It's all you, bro."

Leo was now smirking and April was hiding a smile behind her hand, Emma tilts her head confused but then Mikey gave her wink. She then realized this was a prank and covers her mouth to try to stop herself from laughing.

"Exactly," Raph nodded, patting Casey on the shoulder. "We need you to get him."

Mikey counted down, "Three, two, one, go!"

With that, Casey ran at Splinter with a yell.

Splinter's tail whipped out and caught Casey around the ankle, throwing him to the ground on his back

Emma cringed knowing that had to hurt

Splinter did a flip in the air before landing, finishing in a stance.

"Giant rat, 1," he stated smugly. "New guy, 0."

Raph and Mikey were the same, high-fiving in triumph, and even Leo and Donnie cracked a smile.

"I can't believe it was that easy," Raph remarked, still chuckling. "I almost thought he wasn't gonna do it for a second."

Mikey grinned. "Good stuff. Good stuff." The two of them fist-bumped as they, along with April, Donnie, Splinter, Leo and Emma stood over Casey, looking down at him who was groaning in pain. "We should really have people over more often," Mikey said.

Emma looks down and sees Casey groaning in pain she goes in the lab grabbing the box of Band aids and knees down over putting band aids all over his body "Here ya go spongebob always make me feel better."

The turtles, April, and Splinter laugh silently that a seven year old was trying to help him after getting his butt kicked by a rat

Casey brushed her hand away getting up and grabbing his things. "You're leaving?" April demanded.

"If I can find my way out of here, I am."

Casey turned to leave, April following him. "You know, I was doing just fine tracking Bebop and Rocksteady, and then you just T-boned my existence," he told her. "So now I'm gonna find them or I'm gonna go down swinging."

April sighed. "Casey -"

He cut her off, "No, it's like they say, 'If you want to get work done, don't spend time at the zoo'." Casey suddenly stopped, something having caught his eye

It was the garbage truck that the turtles and Emma were in the night that Shredder escaped

"'Tartaruga Brothers'?" he read, frowning in thought. "That's the... That's the truck. It was them." He turned to April. "Who are these guys?"

"These five have done more for this city than you will ever know or they will ever take credit for," she told him softly but serious. "So if you want to go down swinging, these guys hit harder than anyone."


"Alright Donnie you got this." Donnie mutters to himself holding out a small sample on a dish, he walks over to a microscope and gently starts to put the dish on the tray.


The purple masked turtle lets a girlish yell scrambling to not drop the dish, he turns to see Emma walking in the lab "Emma! Don't do that!" Donnie frowns that she almost made him drop the sample

"You said to announce myself when I come in the lab." Emma reminds him coming up to the desk, Donnie rolls his eyes "I didn't mean like that."

"Whatcha doing?" Emma stays on her tippy toes trying look on the desk.

"About to examine this sample." Donnie places the other on the tray

"Oooo sciency." Emma widened her eyes with wonder.

"Very." Donnie nods with a smile, he puts his eye to the glasses zooming in to get a better look "Dissolve the Quadra-helix bonds and reserve the cohesive." He squints an eye and then it wides "Is it possible?"

"Donnie what is it can I see?" Emma hops up and down trying to see, Donnie thinks for a second and looks at her "Emma I need you do something very important for me." He picks Emma up placing her on the table in front of him. "I need to take a little sample of your blood."

Emma whimpers holding her hand away from him "But you know I hate needles!"

"I know but it's really important for the sake of science." Donnie puts his hands together with a pleading face, Emma crosses her arms with a raised eyebrow "Whats in it for me?"

"If you help me I'll make you a giant sundae and I'll let you watch YouTube videos on my computer."


Donnie picks her and carries her to the table to get a sample

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