Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

It was a late evening in the house, as Bugs and Daffy sat in their regular couches, watching T.V.

Apparently, there were no new shows or movies to watch so all they have left for entertainment tonight was Football, which Daffy hates. 

Leaning back in his old blue, withered recliner chair, Daffy, unlike Bugs, who was happily laying back on his green couch, was starting to get uninterested fast. 

"Ugh I'm getting bored over here, what do you wanna do today?" Daffy asked Bugs, who muted the T.V. so he can hear his friend's typical complaints. 

"Daffy, it's getting really late, why don't we go to town tomorrow?" Bugs asked, whose mood jumped from happy to tiresome, knowing that once his friend starts fussing about something, it'll just go on forever.  

"Why not? there's nothing on T.V. and I'm about to lose my mind if stare at the screen any longer!" Daffy groaned with his hands in air. 

"Well I guess if its not too late, we can see if we can catch a movie tonight at the theaters." Bugs recommends.

"Sure, anything but this junk. What you got in mind?" Daffy asked.  

"There's a new movie called 'The Carrot Caper' that should be playing right now." Bugs suggested. 

Daffy then, burst into laughter at the word 'carrot'. 

"Pfft. Is that all that's on your mind Bugs? Carrots? You're starting to really worry me over your obsession with carrots." Daffy said sarcastically as he laughed.

"Hey I'll have you know that this movie was based off the classic novel called Sherbunny Holmestail" Bugs explained. 

"Oh yeah and who's his partner Dr. Wabbit?" Daffy asked in a joking manner. 

"Oh how'd you guess that?" Bugs asked, surprised.

"Bahaha! Are you serious right now? Man, I definitely need to see this movie and not just because of my sudden interest in it." Daffy said, laughing. 

"Oh, that's very funny. Its actually from the book series that I haven't been able to finish reading yet and I'm really excited for what might happen to his best friend's wife at the wedding. But if you're gonna make fun of it, I can watch it later on my own time." Bugs said, now a little offended. 

"No no no, I'm sorry. I was just kidding. Yeah, I'll go with you Bugs. As long as it's not a typical cliché movie where the bunny is the actual thief that took all the carrots." Daffy apologized.

"Haha, okay. we better get the tickets then, if we want to see the last showing before they close." Bugs said as they got to get dressed for their movie night. 


Meanwhile, Cecil, who had just recently escaped prison, is now out on the streets, looking for a potential target to hunt for his next scheme. 

This time however, it won't involve fake accidents or phony cable calls. 

No, he wants something much more bigger.

Something that will give him a name in vain.

Something like.....

he thought in his mind as he parks his white unmarked licensed old van in front of a corporate company building called CBRE Group Agency.

This real estate company is one of the biggest and most powerful companies in all of California.

And since Los Angeles is one of the largest cities in the state, it would make the properties much more profitable and worth while than any other town. 

Hence, will give Cecil enough money to even start his own little empire. 

As Cecil gets out of his car, he patiently waits for his 'bodyguard' to meet with him. 

Several minutes later, a long black unmarked licensed Cadillac starts to screech loudly as it pulled up right behind Cecil's van.

This indicated that he was in a hurry while trying to park

"You're late." Cecil said in a grumpy tone. 

"Sorry Boss." A voice said in the car as the man behind it, got out.

He was a very large man but his appearance was yet to be seen and only visible to Cecil due to the fact that it was late at night. 

"I usually don't like waiting but since you've at least managed to make it to the meeting at a reasonable hour, I'll forgive you just this once." Cecil said in a cool tone as he starts to walk up to the front building entrance.

 "Uh, boss...what exactly am I supposed to do?" The figure asked Cecil in a skittish voice.

"I want you to be a good boy and keep a look out for any witnesses or cops that may incriminate me or put me to jail. Now, do you think you can handle that? Or do I need to remind you of why you went to prison in the first place." Cecil said in a threatening tone. 

"No sir, I can take care of it." The figure replied nervously. 

Obviously by the panic in his voice, he must be very afraid of what Cecil could do to him if he doesn't get the job done right, including a possible return to prison. 

"Excellent, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere and oh, just one more thing, can you call your wife and see if she'll be able to pick up all of the big man's documents from his mansion?" Cecil requested the shadowed figure referring to a secret informant of his schemes. 

"Sure thing boss, I'll see if she's working that night." The figure answered as Cecil proceeds to his break in at the building while the figure doves into his car to keep watch. 

He then digs through his stash of stuff in his backpack and found code reader that he will use to find the password for the security alarm system.

After a couple moments of fiddling with the device, he sees 8 digits popping up on his screen and locks them into place.

This led to a green ding on his small gadget and a muffled robotic voice announcing 'alarm off'.

He grins with satisfaction as he puts his gadget in the backpack and opens the doors, entering the building.

This plan is going to work and he was finally going to get what he deserves for all the hard work that he has put himself to.

There will be no more tricks.

No more wasted time on measly little odd jobs.

This will be his best con yet and nothing was going to stand in his way now. 


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