Chapter 8

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After several hours of going through very detailed documents and blueprints of the latest stock shareholders, Daffy feels like that now should be the time to get to that safe, before Carol runs out of patience.

"Um...Listen Mr. Leghorn Foghorn sir....I need to ask you a question?" Daffy asked nervously as Foghorn was fixin to give out his reply until a knock from the other side of the office door abruptly interrupts him.

"*sighs Hold up a second Daffy. What is it now Mr. Shellacque?" Foghorn shouts out across the room so that he doesn't have to get to the door.

"I got something for you that I think you might be interested in." Blacque Jacque Shellacque informed, hoping to get Daffy alone in the room so that he can see what he's up to.

"Will you just wait 5 minutes then? I'm trying to talk to my boy here." Foghorn yelled out, irritated.

"Sure no problem. I can wait." Blacque Jacque Shellacque answered back as he seemly leaves the area for a moment.

Once Foghorn sees that there are no more interruptions, he calms down and turns back to Daffy.

"My apologies, son. So, what is it that you wanted to ask me?" Foghorn asked politely.

"I uh...." Daffy started to say until he stopped all of a sudden.

Usually, he doesn't mind lying to others, but this....this was different.

From the very beginning, Foghorn had never lost faith in him and always allowed him to be in the majority of his businesses, which was certainly foolish, considering how much of a con - artist he was to almost everyone all of those years.

However, disappointing him would like messing up it for his parents and his late grandmother back home.

So, for some reason since then, he had always tried his hardest to be the best that he can be for Foghorn along with the few people that he's actually cared about.

His mind told him to stop all of the lies and just tell him the truth until.....he thought about what Carol had said to him earlier in the car.

'One screw up Duck and I'll make sure that your friend suffers for it. Got it?'

The thought kept repeating in his mind as his face start to flush in fear.

His mind, now racing for him to pick between the two paths of either losing the trust of someone he barely knew, but who also took him under his wing like a real father figure the only best friend that he's ever cared about in the world.

In the end, he chose the latter.

".....I wanted to know if you can tell me the combination of the company safe. know in case something goes wrong and you need me to hide it somewhere else." Daffy said in a anxious squeamish voice.

Daffy winced a little, hoping that Foghorn wouldn't react too bad and yell at him.

However instead, much to his surprise, all he got from him was a huge belly laugh.

"Hahaha! Boy you crack me up. When am I NOT going to give you the combination? I trust you son and I believe that you'll make sure that those documents of mine are safe and in good hands." Foghorn Leghorn said as he elbowed on his arm and winked at him.

"Ha ha, okay then. C...can I have it now?" Daffy asked in a calmer tone.

Thankfully, this was a lot easier than he thought it would be, but knew that he'll soon be regretting it later.

"You sure can, son. You sure can. Come over here." Foghorn said as he leads him over to the safe.

"Now all you've got to do is turn 23 on the left, then 14 on the right, and lastly 5 on the left again. You got it? Or do you want me to write it down for you?" Foghorn offered.

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