Chapter 17

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Many of you were probably wondering how Blacque Jacque Shellacque came to them on time.


Remember Yosemite Sam?

Back at the police station with Tina and Porky, they had just settled some things out with their friends who were other victims to Cecil's scam and had just freed Foghorn Leghorn.

They were heading out into town to gather more information of the scam, when they ran into Sam, who was not only aware of Bugs and Daffy disappearance, but also his cousin's as well.

After Tina explains to Sam to get him caught up with what was happening with what they knew about everything, an hour before the events of the last chapter took place, they found a solution to the disappearances faster than they expected.

Believe or not, Sam can easily trace his cousin's phone with the touch of a sharing app that the two had in case things go haywire.

Hey, we all have to look out for each other, don't we?

"Oh! Well, why didn't you say so? I can just track him right now and....oh no." Yosemite Sam beamed out while retracing his cousin using the GPS mapping app, as he stopped in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Porky asked.

"Fellers. I think I found your kidnappers." Sam informed as he showed them a moving dot that was heading into the highway.

"Quick, let me burrow your phone for a second!" Porky urged.

"Uh yeah, sure." Yosemite said, puzzled by his request.

"Thanks." Porky said as he ran right back inside the police station so that he can report this new finding for kidnapped French man .

Once, Porky got ahold of the policeman in charge for situations like these, he along with Sam and Tina, rode in his car to follow the cops heading in the direction of the location that was provided.

After a long while on the roads, they were able to trail on the 'kidnappers', who turns out to be only Cecil's accomplices in their famously black limo.

Sam, who couldn't stand much of this car chasing business that they have out now with the police, pulls out a .25 caliber 1990s derringer pistol from his pocket and starts to aim at the car through a window.

Porky and Tina turns arounds at the sound of the gun reclocking and flips out.

"Woah now..." Tina said, her hands midway in a protesting manner.

"Are you crazy?! Where did you get that gun?!!" Porky yells out in a panic.

"What? A citizen can't have his own gun? Besides, do you wanna watch them chase these fellas all day or do you want to catch them?" Yosemite Sam said, trying to make his point.

"This is insane! Just let the police handle this!" Porky insisted, but as always, Sam was the opposite of listening.

"No suree. they got my cousin in there and I ain't waiting another second to get him out. I'm going for it." Sam persisted while directing his aim at the tires of the limo.

"This is going be bad." Porky mumbled.

Tina, who somehow agrees with Sam's plan, turns to Porky.

"Porky, you think you can get a little closer?" Tina asked.

"Oh no, not you two." Porky groaned.

"Porky stop being a wimp and just do it already." Tina added.

"Okay." Porky said with a nod as he waved over to the police not to fire, because they were going crossover to get a little closer to them.

The policemen shook their heads, but acknowledge his move anyways.

When Porky and the others got enough sight, Sam fired his pistol at the edges of the front two tires.

Swerving sounds and screeches then, suddenly occur in a high pitch squeal as the couple in the vehicle, try to maneuver their limo with the sterling wheel and pulled their emergency brake.

Forcing the car to come at a stop.

Carol and Crusher huffed in sweats, with their eyes rolling in defeat.

They knew at this point, that they had lost.

When Porky and the police caught up with them, the chief of the force yelled out his typical statement while pointing his licensed gun at the two.

"This is the police! You're both under arrest for the kidnapping of....uh...." The chief said until he forgot the name.

"What's this guy name again?" the chief whispered out to the other cops who shrugged their shoulders.

Then, at the moment of timing, a dizzy French man came out of the car dramatically to answer their question.

"The name is Blacque Jacque Shellacque!" Blacque yelled out with his fists pumped in the air.

"Cousin! Are you okay?" Sam asked, running over to him.

"Yes, Yo Samity Sam. I am great." Blacque said, still dazed.

Sam then, put his arm around him, military style and walked him back over to Porky's car while the police proceeded to arrest the couple.

Tina and Porky got out of the car, still shocked to see that their friends was not with him.

"This doesn't look too good." Porky said softly, in a worried panic.

Tina, who was now impatient, grew more furious by the minute.

"Hey, you! Where are they? They're supposed to be here! What have you done with them!" Tina screamed at the arrested couple who only looked at her with evil grins to their faces and simply laughed in mockery.

"Oooo. Why I outta...." Tina threatened under her breath until Blacque interrupted her.

"Eh? You mean Bugs and Daffy? I could have sworn that I left them at that warehouse and...That's it!" Blacque exclaimed while pushing away from his cousin for a moment.

"Let me use this for a moment please? Thank you." Blacque told Porky in a hurry as he immediately took his keys and ignited the car.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"I have a mission to complete and no turtle is going to fail Blacque Jacque Shellacque now!" Blacque dedicated as he drove away in Porky's car, leaving the three abandoned in the desert.

Porky looked over at the remaining cop cars and waved over.

"Hey! Follow that car!" Porky yelled out as him, Tina and Sam hopped inside one of the cop cars to trail Blacque back to where Cecil was at when he was loading Bugs and Daffy into the van, hoping to save them in time.

Of course at about an hour later, as indicted in the last chapter, they did in fact make it to them.

Blacque, who was way ahead of the others at the time, parked the car near the ditch where the car had flipped over and watched Daffy carry Bugs out of the car and onto to safety.

However, not too far away came out Cecil as well, who was about to end their lives if no action was made soon to help them.

Ooh no, you don't. Blacque thought while grabbing an emergency stun gun that Porky, thankfully had left in the glove compartment of the car and tasered him with it.

Those sirens that you will hear a moment later was the cops along with a couple of ambulances who arrived at the scene.

As Tina, Porky, and Sam got out of a cop car, they looked on in shock as Bugs was being lifted to the ambulance with Daffy right beside him.

Cecil on the other hand, was arrested and taken into as he watches the three and shook his head.

It turns out that the tortoise doesn't always have to be the winner.

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