Chapter 5

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As Carol finished packing up, she continued rambling to herself in anger while putting the last of her things in a box.

"That chicken is going to pay for this. He'll see. I'll just grab his stuff from his office safe and then I'll be on my way. I'm not waiting another second in this miserable place" She mumbled as she walks back towards Foghorn Leghorn's office carrying her box with her in case she needs a reason to be back there.

When she reached the area, she knocked on the door but there was no answer as she opens the door and sees that no one was in the room.

Oh its empty. Perfect! Now is my chance. She thought as she places the box on top of the desk and goes around behind it where the safe is.

She pulls out her phone and reads out the combination as she dials 12 left 15 right and back left on 3 as she pulls on the latch but it wouldn't budge.

"What?! No no no that can't be right." Carol said as she tries again with the same combination code but alas it resulted the same.

"Grr!" Carol grunted as she slams the safe with her fist out of anger.

"He changed the combination. That good for nothing rooster!" Carol yells out as she stood up and called her husband.

"Hello?" Crusher asked as he answered

"Hey honey its me. Do you wanna know what just happened today? First off that jerk of a boss fired me and then on top of that, he had his combination to the safe changed so now I can't even get the documents for Cecil. What should I do?" Carol asked as she vents out her anger.

"I guess I can stop by the man's place and maybe give him a piece of my fist until he's willing to unlock the safe." Crusher suggested.

"Nah that may not work because no matter how much you torture the man, you won't be able to get a zip out of him. He is way too stubborn for that. There has to be something else." Carol said as they both took a moment to think.

"Well... how about we get someone who is good friends with your boss and force him to give us the combination himself. Is there anybody that your boss trusts?" Crusher asked. 

"hmmm...." Carol thought until a particular someone popped in her head as she grins devilishly in satisfaction.

"I think I may know just the person. I'm going to stop by Cecil's and let him know of this. I'll call you back and fill you in on the details after I pick up that idiot. Love you honey" Carol said in sweet tone.

"Gotcha Sweetheart. I love you too. I'll see you later then. Bye" Crusher said as Carol hung up the phone and heads towards the car as she drives towards the warehouse.

On the way over, she makes a a quick call to Cecil.

"Yes?" Cecil asked as he answered the phone.

"Hey Cecil, we've got a problem." Carol said in a sinister tone as she explains the situation over to him.

Meanwhile, Foghorn Leghorn arrived to local park as he parked the car in the front of the area and got out of the car.

He surveys the area and notices a man who is in incognito and was holding up a newspaper, indicating that he was his private detective.

"Very clever." Foghorn mumbled as he walked towards the bench and sat down next to him.

"I'd say that your skills are mighty swell with that undercover disguise Mr. Shellacque." Foghorn Leghorn complemented.

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