Chapter 10

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While that happened, Cecil's continued on his rampage of striking terror through the people of the town at which wasn't going to stop him any time soon as he made his way to the next destination. 

The Copy Place. 

Now with this store, he wasn't too familiar with, but what he did know was that a certain little lady duck did not like him at all nor anybody else that tries to push her buttons. 

Although, it would be fun to see the look on her face when he hands her boss the foreclosure form for the store to be closed down within a week after working so hard as an assistant manger.

Which would just be as rewarding and enjoyable like before back when he was messing around his old workplace by cutting off people's cables all day.

When he there, he opened the door, and waited for the usual greeting. 

Unfortunately, he wasn't entirely too welcomed like the others ones were. 

Instead, he got that same young duck lady at the register, who was busy filling out the papers onto the copy machines without a single glance in his direction. 

Man, she's cold. Betcha she won't be by the time I'm through with her. Cecil thought evilly as he walked up the register and coughed to her attention.   

"*Ahem Excuse me miss?" Cecil asked in a robotic polite tone. 

"Yeah. What do you want?" Tina asked in a classic New York accent as she turned to face him. 

"Is your supervisor here? I need to speak to him for a moment."  Cecil requested with a grin that would fool anyone, but her. 

However, she complied like a normal customer service receptionist would for their customers.

"Sure. I'll go get him." Tina said while she popped a bubble that she blew from her pink gum and went to the back. 

A few seconds later, she came back out with her boss, who was an older gentlemen with blond hair. 

"Hi sir. My name is Giovanni Jones and I'm the manager of this store.  What can I do for you today?" Giovanni asked with a causal warm greeting that Cecil had expected.

"Well Mr. Jones. Today is your lucky day." Cecil said cheery. 

"It is?" Giovanni said, confused. 

"Mhmm and do you know why?" Cecil asked rhetorically with a huge sinister smile. 

"No... I don't why?" Giovanni asked, a little nervous. 

"Because, today is the day that I give you this." Cecil said as he hands him another one of the foreclosure forms that he had passed out to the other businesses earlier. 

"What?!" Giovanni yelped, his hand slapping in his face in shock while him and Tina read the paper. 

Tina then, her face boiled up with anger, leans closer to Cecil and poked his chest in anger. 

"Hold up just a minute mister. You can't just come in here and act like you owned the joint! Who said that you have the right to close us?!" Tina lashed out furiously to Cecil, who remained unmoved by her rage. 

"Actually I do have the right. According to the paper, the REAL owner of the store, to which I assume isn't here at the moment, owes the bank thousands of dollars in debt that has not been paid for. Therefore, as representative of the CBRE Group Agency of real estate, I have the authority to properly shut down this facility until further payments are arranged to made to the bank. Now if you excuse me, I have other businesses to attend so, I leave you to it. You have a week to pack up everything that you need and then we'll have you escorted out by next Monday. Have a good day." Cecil informed with a wave as he walked out of the store with a smirk on his face. 

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