Chapter 19

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As Daffy got close to the door way of the hospital room, he leaned back a little and hid for a few more minutes out of nervousness.

He closed his eyes, but could hear a familiar laughter cackling in the room.

A sound that his Bugs would usually make when something was truly hilarious, except that it was a little rough than normal since he did just woke up in a hospital bed.

Although, he couldn't be more glad to see him all perked up, he wondered where their conversation was going to lead to when he elaborates every single emotion to him at once.

What if he hates me for not telling him sooner?

What if he'll never forgive me for taking our friendship for so many years for granted?

What if.... Daffy thoughts kept jumbling up painfully in his mind, until he was interrupted by a call.

"Daffy? Are you there?" Bugs yelled out, confused as if he could feel his presence from a distance away.

Daffy's heart pounded hard as he took a deep breath and opened up his eyes.

He was going to have to face him at some point, wasn't he?

So, he pushed his fears aside and slowly walked inside the room where Porky and Sam greeted him with small waves.

Daffy waved at them back.

"Thank you guys for keeping him company." Daffy said at the two before he turned to Bugs.

"Hey, Bugsy." Daffy said with a small smile while rubbing his arm, anxiously.

A drift of silence starts to rise up awkwardly for a moment until Sam spoke with a cough, knowing that they will have to have a minute to themselves.

"*Ahem. Alright, I guess that's our cue. We better leave you two to it, then." Sam said as him and Porky walk out of the room to meet up with Tina and Speedy at the cafeteria while closing the door behind them on their way out.

When the two were left alone, Daffy walks over closer to him, standing at an inch away from him.

Bugs then, like an instinct, scoots over a bit and lets him lie down next to him on the bed.

The two then, positioned their backs on one side so that they can face each other.

Afterwards, Daffy started their conversation.

"How's your head?" Daffy asked while gently rubbing the tip of his head carefully so that he wouldn't give him a headache.

"Ha. Are you kidding? That old turtle couldn't take me out that easily. He would have to send a whole army of shells before he could break me. He is a real pain in the neck but, we did made it out anyways didn't we?" Bugs asked softly with a warm smile as he took his hand, holding it close to his chest.

Daffy, who face was turning red fast, looked down, sadly.

"Yeah, but still..... why did you do that? I had it all perfectly under control until you turned around and caused us to crash in that ditch. What if I was never able to get you out of there in time? You could of.... died from that wreck." Daffy said frantically, his body shaking a little in fear.

Bugs then sadly sighs and pulls him into a deep hug, his face buried into his shoulder.

"Because....." Bugs said until he took a moment of pause to reflect out his thoughts.

His mind was telling him to trust his heart completely and let out all of his feelings altogether.

Despite the agonizing fears and doubt that had plagued his mind for so long, he knew now at this point that no matter what, they were always there for each other.

That had to mean that he loved him unconditionally right?

Even after their first kiss, Bugs could still imagine the warmth of it all.

It made him realize so much how destiny was pulling them together in so many ways.

What if, they wouldn't have been kidnapped and trapped in a warehouse for days?

What If they wouldn't have cared enough to refuse the other to get hurt?

Love was sacrificial but it can be also many other things.

It can be how one would scorn the other for being stubborn all the time.

It can be the million of fights that they encounter over a petty disagreement.

It can even be the heartbreaking pasts and moments where both needed each other more than other.

Of course, there was only one way to see how much they really do care for each other and it starts with telling the truth.

Bugs then, took a deep breath and whispered softly in his ear.

"I love you." Bugs mumbled.

A few seconds later, Daffy in an instant, pulled away, in shock.

"What? me?" Daffy asked with tears welling up quickly in his eyes.

"I always have been and I can't stand a single thought of ever losing you again. You're the one person in the whole world that I want to be with." Bugs said, while holding onto his cheek tenderly.

"I..." Daffy said, but paused.

He didn't know what to think.

All of those years, he thought that his affection was all only unrequited, one sided.

But now that he knew that it was the opposite, he felt like he could collapse any minute.

The tears that have been holding up in his eyes forever, were now starting to pour down his face.

"I...wanted to tell you so bad, but I was so afraid that you wouldn't be able to forgive me and...." Daffy sobbed until Bugs leaned his face to him and gently kissed him on the lips which somehow, was able to make all of his worries slowly melt away.

Their eyes closed and sparks flew as expected, by the millions.

They are now wrapped each other arms with their heads close, touching by the mere edges.

Their smiles are much brighter and their hearts are now intertwined, together.

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