Chapter 14

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When Bugs and Daffy got close to the abandoned building, they asked Blacque Jacque Shellacque to be on the look out for the Cecil and his crew while they snoop the area for the documents that were taken from all of the businesses in the area.

As the two snuck in through the broken back end of the warehouse, they head on down to the upper parts of the building where they found a deserted table lying at the edge of a corner that is piled high with papers, bold ink banding, and extra sheets of copies all spreaded out.

"This is it. These were the files from Mr. Leghorn's office." Daffy beamed, showing Bugs one stack bundle of contract papers and leases on the table.

"Man for a billionaire, he sure has a lot of company profit contracts. Are there any stocks in there too?" Bugs asked curiously as he sorted out the papers in order.

"Stocks? What are those?" Daffy asked, confused.

"Graphed out charts of the equity that are spilt equally between the owners. You know, corporation shares." Bugs explains while Daffy gave him a 'uh' look.

"I still don't get it." Daffy said, puzzled.

"Ugh, never mind." Bugs said, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

A smile then ran across his face as he tries to hide a small chuckle under his breath.  

He forgot how absent minded Daffy can be sometimes when he's not that serious.

Although, he had always wondered whether or not the kiss that had taken place a while back ago, was truly real or not.

Was he actually honest about them or....were they just both caught up in the moment?

He thought about that very same moment when he begged for him to stay and Daffy reacted with a startling bold reassurance that said, otherwise.

He never gave a reason why he kissed him nor even told him the three words that would make it seem more meaningful.

Even the question that he gave him still became more puzzling by the minute.

Do you trust me?

Sadly, Bugs does trust him but, he also doubts his question with every nerve-wrecking possibility that it could have all been just one big lie, so that he would let Daffy get the stuff to free his friend.

His stomach was tied tightly in knots and he could hardly focus.

It wasn't until Daffy's voice that brought him back to reality.

"Bugs! Look! There's more papers but they're from different places. See, The copy place, our Pizzaribba and even the Antiques store. Like that place was gonna get any better." Daffy added with a hint of sarcasm on his last sentence.

Bugs narrow his eyebrows while examining the leases and nodded his head in agreement.

"You're right. This turtle is seriously thinking about hitting a home run with this scam." Bugs said now concerned.

The papers were all foreclosures with different sets of times for the employers to leave their property for the bank to take over the businesses.

Cecil was planning on collecting the property money after the banks settle in their fair score of repossessing the stores that were targeted, which would have equaled to about several million dollars in total!

That didn't even include Foghorn's mansion or his own company that Cecil would be preying on next.

Bugs and Daffy weren't just dealing with any ordinary, average scheme.

This was a highway robbery of the townspeople and lives were about to be ruined if they didn't act fast.

"Alright let's grab the stuff and go." Bugs said quickly as they stuff the papers neatly in hidden fur pockets and ran out of building.

Only to be stopped by Cecil and his accomplices; Carol and her husband Crusher by the back door way entry.

Crusher was holding Blacque Jacque Shellacque, who was knocked out unconscious, by the edges of his head and laughed evilly.

"Going so soon?" Cecil asked while pointing a clicked gun at the two, who were frozen with fear.

The harsh silence begin to echo the area for a painful second before Cecil breaks it with his rugged old laughter while wearing a grinch-like smirk on his face.

"So, where are they?" Cecil asked, referring to the papers while looking at the Bugs and Daffy, who were both very nervous.

When an answer was not directly given, Cecil traced his eyes on the two but could not find any papers in sight from either of them.

He figured then, that Bugs and Daffy could have simply looked at them, which meant that their testimony can still place Cecil on charges for at least the kidnapping and the possible knowledge of the forged foreclosures that he had on the targeted properties.

Cecil was now irritated that he has to add a third type of crime to his demise and it peeved him off to no end.

"Tsk. You shouldn't have done that. Now it looks like that you'll be dealing with death much sooner than you realize. I should have already gotten rid of the two of you a long time ago." Cecil said as he turns to Crusher to inform him for further requests.

"Take that little guy out of here somewhere. I don't care what you do to him just make sure that he is gone and away from this place." Cecil instructed Crusher.

"Ha ha! You got it boss." Crusher said with a hearty laugh as he leaves with his wife and places the poor French man in the backseat of the car.

The car sped off like the wind in a matter of minutes and just like that, he was out of their sight.

"W...what's gonna to happen to him? Daffy asked.

"Haha. You should be more worried with what I'm going to do with you." Cecil said while inching closer to the two.

Like a instinct, Bugs immediately grabbed Daffy's arm and pulls him behind.

At this point, Cecil was only centimeters to Bugs's face, with the tip of the barrel his gun touching Bugs's forehead.

"So, Bugs Bunny..." Cecil said in a taunting hesitation while pronouncing his name wrong to Bugs's annoyance.

"Do you know the story of the tortoise and the hare?" Cecil asked, rhetorically as Bugs continues to glare at him, leaving Cecil to answer his own question.

"It's an old classic story of a tortoise and hare betting to see who is the fastest by racing against each other in a lap race. The overconfident hare then takes a nap in the mist of his speed run, unknown to his knowledge, that the tortoise was catching up to him at a much faster rate then he should have realized. Just like story, this fate will be ending in the same way. The tortoise always win." Cecil finished with a wide grin.

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