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The next day you were called to Pein-sama's office. You knocked at his door and waited until you got a "Come in" from Pein. You entered and said, "You needed me?" "Yes. Today i will be assigning you your first mission. Your partners will be Tobi and Deidara." "Okay. What are we doing on the mission?" "You will be locating some shinobi who are going around and selling information about the akatsuki to other people. Go ahead and stark packing now. You will leave in a few hours."

You quickly left his office and started packing for the mission. As soon as you finished there was a knock at your door. You opened it revealing a ecstatic Tobi. "Did Y/N-chan hear?! She's going on a mission with Tobi and Deidara senpai!" "Haha yeah i did Tobi! I actually just got done packing." "Would Y/N-chan like to eat lunch with Tobi?" You nod happily and Tobi starts jumping up and down.

Lunch for you and Tobi was very... odd to say the least. First he brought his candy that he had bought the day before and scarfed that down. Then, after you offered him some REAL food, he claimed he was full but then brought out YOUR candy bag you had bought the day before and started eating that too.

After lunch you Tobi and Deidara set off for the mission. It took you about half a day to get there. On the way, you quickly became good friends with Deidara, and even better friends with Tobi.

At one point Tobi even said "Maybe some day Tobi will let Y/N-chan see Tobi's face!" You always wondered what was behind that mask of his.

You guys take a break six hours into walking/ flying on one of deidara s clay birds. And you set up near a pretty waterfall. "Hey Y/N-chan! We should go swimming in the waterfall!" Says Tobi as he drags you towards it. You stop and say "B-but Tobi i don't have a swimsuit.." "That's ok Y/N-chan! You can just swim in your underwear! That's what Tobi is doing!"

You mentally prepare yourself and say hesitantly yes. You tell Tobi not to look as you undress. You turn back and see Tobi peeking. "Tobi! I said not to look!" You shout as your face turns red. You bonk him over the head with your fist. You can see blood falling from his mask again, indicating that he has a nosebleed. "S-sorry Y/N-chan.. Tobi thinks Y/N is very pretty."

After that you push Tobi in the water as revenge, but as he's falling in he pulls you in with him. You land in his arms as you float back to the surface. Once you realize he's holding you you turn red. Very red. Tobi then uses his Kamui to teleport you and him to the top of the waterfall. You stood a there for a little while, still holding you in his arms without you realizing.

You two stand there for a bit, gazing into the slowly setting sun. Suddenly, there was a big rush of water from the water fall. It hit Tobi and he lost his balance and both of you fell in, with you hitting the water on your back. You slowly sink down, unable to move from the cause of shock going throughout your body. Then, you feel a pair of arms grab your waist and bring you up to the surface.

After he carried you bridal style out of the water, you got bombarded with questions ranging from, 'Are you okay?!' and 'Y/N-chan needs to rest!' You said you were fine and that you could deal with it, but Tobi insisted on staying with you in your tent to make sure you were okay. It ended up happening.

You were so exhausted from walking all day and falling off the waterfall that you let Tobi just sleep with you in your tent you had brought. You liked to be prepared. You got in your sleeping bag, expecting Tobi to have one too. But after he said he didn't you opened yours and let him lay down inside with you.

Both of you were still in your underwear, which was still wet by the time you had woken up.  As you open your eyes you feel a strange weight on your waist and realize that Tobi was cuddling with you inside your sleeping bag. You started blushing but eventually, your exhaustion got the best of you and you fell back asleep. This time, even closer to Tobi than before. You liked the warmth that radiated from his body.


Things are really starting to move fast with Tobi! but don't worry the story won't be over anytime soon!! I hope you enjoyed!! <3

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