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Today's is kind of a fluff I guess you can say. Enjoy!

You sit on Obito's bed and pat the spot next to you. He comes and sits down. You wrap your arms around him and snuggle into him.

"Now you hug me and pull me close. That's basically what cuddling is." He does as you say. You grab a blanket nearby and wrap yourselves in it.

Now, you're officially cuddling. "I really like this, Y/N." He looks down and smiles sweetly at you.

"I do too, Obito, this feels so nice. I could stay like this forever."

"I love you, Y/N."

"Love you too, Obito."

Those were the last things both of you said before going to sleep. It was so comfortable and you felt so safe. You never wanted to leave Obito's arms.

But, not everything lasts forever. You woke up to a loud knock on Obito's door. You were both startled from it and scrambled to get ready.

You hid under his bed while he got his mask on and opened the door so no one would see you were there and get suspicious. It was Hidan. You were wondering what he was doing there. He hated Tobi. Well, everyone does, except you, but that's only because you know who he really is under that annoying fake personality of his.

"Oh, hello Hidan-senpai!" "Hey Tobi. Say, have you seen Y/N?" "No, I haven't Hidan-senpai!" You could sense Obito getting nervous. "Oh? Well that's a shame. Because I could've sworn that she came in here yesterday and never came out." He smirks.

'Shit. I better think of something quick' You slowly sneak out from under his bed, and pretend to have been searching for something. You suddenly pop up. "Hey Tobi I think I found it! Is this it?" You hold up a random necklace from under his bed.

He turns around and looks. Then plays along with what you're doing. "Oh yes Y/N-chan! That's it! Thank you!" He runs over and grabs the necklace. "This is very special to Tobi! His friend gave it to him, and then he never saw him again.."

"Oh... i'm sorry Tobi." "It's okay, Y/N!" He gives a sweet smile from under his mask. "Hm. I could've sworn you guys were doing something.." Says Hidan. "Oh, no I was just helping him find some of his stuff!" You crack a smile at Hidan and you can see his cheeks turn a little red.

"Hm. Okay, well ill leave you two alone now. See ya." He leaves the door frame he was standing in and Obito closes the door. "Phew. That was close." He nods and takes off his mask.

Obito slowly starts to walk toward his bed. He sits down on it and pats the spot next to him. You sit down. "Y/N, when do you think we should tell the others about us? I mean, we can't keep it a secret forever. Someones gonna find out eventually." "Yeah, I know." You sigh "When do you think we should tell them?" You ask.

He thinks for a second. "You know what? Let's just do it now." You begin to feel nervous and your body tenses up "Okay, but you're saying everything." You give him a sly smirk as he puts his mask back on, grabs your hand, and leads you out of the door to where everyone else should be.

"Everyone, me and Y/N have something to say!" he says in his Tobi voice. You gulp as everyones eyes are instantly on the two of you. "Y/N and Tobi are together!" The first reaction was laughing. Coming from no one other than Hidan.

"Stop that, brat." Sasori says, annoyed. Everyone else is either surprised, or is actually happy for you. "Well congratulations, Y/N." Itachi says with a small smile. "Yes I am very happy for you two." Konan says with a big smile. You await Pein's response.

It takes him a bit but he just says "Do not let it interfere with our goal." Then walks away. You both were surprised it was going well.

You turned around with Obito's hand in yours and went back to his room. That was so stressful. You were just glad it was over.

"Thank god it went well. I thought we were gonna be in trouble or something." "Hm? Why's that, Y/N?" Obito asks. "Well, you know how Pein is. He's strict and all that."

He grabs your hands and holds them in his. "I'm so happy that he's letting us be together. Honestly, I was scared too. I was scared that I wasn't gonna be able to be with you. I love you, Y/N."

You smile. A wide, happy smile. You weren't the type to have that many friends. And when you did, you felt like they weren't your friends at all. Like they were just using you.

"I love you so much, Obito." You hug him tight and feel tears start to sting your eyes. You haven't felt like this in a long time. You keep your arms wrapped around his neck while his were around your waist.

You stay like this for a while. Before pulling back, and giving him a kiss. He immediately kisses back. You were interrupted with a knock at the door and you pulled away from each other. Obito quickly put his mask back on and went into full Tobi mode.

You opened the door to Kisame. "Hey guys. Pein said he wants you to report to his office." "Oh, okay thanks so much Kisame!" You give him a wide smile. "H-hey it's no problem!" He gives you a toothy grin before walking off to his own room.

You genuinely liked Kisame. You felt like you were gonna be good friends with him and the others, that was of course when you weren't busy with Obito and could hang out with them all. They were all genuinely so nice and you trusted them all completely.

Well.. maybe Hidan a little less, but since the last time you encountered him he seemed to be pretty nice if you got to know him enough and like he wasn't a big pervert.

You were lost in a train of thought when you heard Obito's voice Y/N?" "Hm?" "We need to get to Pein now." "Ah, right! Let's go."

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you so much for 278 reads! This means so much to me. Love you all! -Katsu

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