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After you ate, you saw Akito staring at you with a smirk on his face. You were holding Obito's hand and squeezed it tight. He noticed and turned his head in the direction of Akito. He scowled under his mask. Obito snuck a kunai into his hand and threw it straight at Akito, hitting him in a vital point.

He quickly picked you up bridal style, and then used his Kamui to get away. You were startled. It all happened so quickly. But you were happy to know that Obito was looking out for you.

When he used his Kamui you became dizzy for a second. But when you looked around you realized you weren't at the base, you were on top of a cliff.

"O-obito!? Why are we here?" "Calm down Y/N I wasn't going to do anything. I just thought we could watch the sunset together." He smiled as he slid off his mask.

You felt a small blush creep up on your face and smiled. You went to sit down near the edge of the cliff and pat the grass next to you for Obito to come sit.

He came and sat down next to you, while you leaned on his shoulder and stared out at the sunset. It was phenomenal.

"Wow... it's so pretty." "Like you." You started blushing. He noticed and laughed lightly, then leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead.

When he pulls away you push your lips into his, sharing a light, passionate kiss. (so cute!!) He then wraps his arm around your shoulder as you both watch the rest of the sunset.

"Y/N?" "Yes?" You answer, with fatigue in your voice. "Are you ready to go home?" You nod lightly. "I'm gonna use my Kamui again so be ready okay? I don't want you to get sick." He picks you up and uses his Kamui to teleport you safely into the living room of the base. 

Everyone who was there, immediately had their eyes on you. "Where the fuck have you guys been?!" Says Hidan loudly. "Calm down, Hidan." Says Kakuzu. Obito drops you out of his arms.

"Me and Tobi went shopping and then went out for dinner. But it took awhile for the food to come. That's why we came back so late. "I'm surprised you didn't get kicked out of the restaurant." Says Kisame. You giggle a little bit.

"Tobi was a good boy!" Exclaims Tobi. "Yes, he promised me to be good if I gave him candy." Everyone sighs. "Well i'm gonna go and get ready for bed." You walk out of the room and Tobi says, "Wait up Y/N-chan!" And runs after you. When you're both out of sight he grabs your hand.

"Y/N?" "Hm?" "Will you sleep with me in my room tonight? It's only fair~" He jokes. You giggle slightly. "Yes of course Obito." You swiftly slide up his mask and give him a quick kiss on the nose.

"I'll get you back for that, Y/N" He smirks, thinking about what he'll do to get you back.

You let go of his hand and head to your room to get ready for bed. "I'll be back, Obito." "Okay Y/N. I'll be waiting in my room." You both go into your own rooms.

When you get in you slip out of your Akatsuki cloak and your clothes under it and get into Obito's t-shirt and shorts. It went to about the middle of your thighs. He left it there when he slept in your room. You're careful not to let anyone hear you leave your room. You quietly open your and slip out, closing it slowly behind you.

Then, you silently walk across the hall to Obito's room and give it a cautious knock. It opens and Tobi peeks out. When he realizes it's you he yanks you in. Apparently, Hidan was coming down the hall, but was too stupid to notice you there. At least that's what Obito thought. But he was wrong. He saw you waiting at Tobi's door, with you thinking that you were alone. 

Hidan scoffed and went into his own room, but had a light smirk on his face. Now he had information that you had gone into Tobi's room. But maybe, just maybe, hes too stupid to figure anything out.

When you were pulled into Obito's room he immediately placed a kiss on your lips. It was soft and tender. Then, to your surprise he started trailing down to your neck. But he stopped, it was to tease you.

You laughed and pushed him playfully. "Hey! Why'd you do that?" "To tease you." "Hm. Soo.. what do you wanna do?" You ask. "I really would like to try that thing you call.. 'Cuddling'." You laugh a little bit and flop on his bed, patting the spot next to you.

I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger because this chapter would be way too long if i included the rest of the night with Obito and other things like that.  Sorry y'all! I hope you enjoyed! <3

ONE MORE THING! I'm going try try and start working on my Hidan x Reader again! I really to want to work on it, but I've been so invested in this story that I completely neglected it! I do try and work on chapters everyday, (even when i'm supposed to be paying attention in class) and I always come up with new ideas! I might also try to start working on a Deidara x Reader too! But that won't be until I either finish this story or my Hidan one! And also, thank you for almost 100 reads! I never believed I would get that much I actually did! See you next chapter! -Katsu

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