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Obito woke up in what looked like a forest. There was this sound. He couldn't quite make it out, but it wouldn't go away. It was pitch black. His sharingan provided little help to see. He was paranoid. Suddenly, he heard a scream. It sounded like you. "Y/N!" he tried to scream. Nothing came out.

Obito started running in the direction of your screaming self. It felt like he was wandering for hours, when really it was only seconds later when he got there. There was a man. He was in an anbu mask, and anbu uniform. He was holding you captive and was torturing you.

Obito tried to use his jutsu. Nothing. He tried again. Nothing. He then finally tried to pull the man away from you.

He was helpless. Weak. all he could do was watch. You had a pleading look in your eyes. "Obito help!" "Please, Obito!" You kept cyring out, asking for help. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He could do nothing.

You had passed out from all the hits you were taking. The man came over to Obito. Right before the anbu officer could hit him..

He woke up.

It was about 4 in the morning. He was sweating. He checked if you were still in the bed, and there you were, sound asleep.

He sighed, relieved. He placed a kiss on your forehead and got everything ready for when you had to get up for the mission.

He made sure to take a shower. He slipped in the bathroom and took a quick one.

After he got dressed, he slipped on his mask and quietly left the room, slowly closing the door behind him in effort to not wake your sleeping form.

Obito walked silently to the kitchen to get some food. 'Itachi won't care if i sneak 2 sticks of dango right?' he thought to himself.

Surprisingly, there was someone on the couch in the living room. It was too dark to see, but Obito could with his sharingan.

It was Itachi.

"Hey Itachi-senpai! Do you mind if I take some dango for me and Y/N-chan?"

"If you leave me alone for the rest of the day, then sure." He replied, not looking up from his book.

"Tobi will be gone for a while! He is going on a mission with Y/N."

"Good, you know what, take some more dango for your mission. A gift of thanks as for you not being here."

"Thanks, Itachi-senpai!" Replied an ecstatic Tobi. Obito rolled his eyes after turning away from Itachi to get the dango for himself, and you.

Once Obito got back to his room, he slipped off his mask and ate a dango before waking you up. "Wake up, Y/N!" he said in his Tobi voice, and made sure it was extra annoying and loud so you would for sure wake up.

You groaned, "Ugh, Tobi, five more minutes.." "Not today, Y/N-chan! We have to get ready to leave!" You sighed, and got up out of the bed, and placed a quick kiss on his forehead. "Obito get out." You said. You were in a robe and still needed to get dressed.

"I'll cover my eye hole." He did as he said he was and also turned away from you as you slipped off your robe, put on a decent looking outfit, then slipped on your cloak.

"You can look now." You said as you grabbed your backpack full of your stuff and slipped it on your shoulders.

Obito turned around and grabbed his backpack and did the same. "I hope you know that when we're about half way to our destination, I am going to be the one carrying your bag."

You smiled. "Thanks, Tobi." You swiftly slipped up his mask and planted a kiss on his lips before pulling it back down and walking towards his bedroom door, opening it, and walking over to the entrance of the base to wait for him.

Minutes later, Tobi came barreling towards you. "Y/N! Are you ready for the mission?" He asks excitedly.

 "Sure am, Tobi!" You reach and slightly ruffle his hair, causing him to blush under his mask.

He simply replied with a ruffle to your own hair. You blushed and avoided his gaze, your mouth in a squiggle. "L-let's get going already." you stutter.

"Sure thing, Y/N-chan!" Tobi replied. He was slightly smirking under his mask.

You got started walking. It was at a slow and steady pace. You and Obito were holding hands.


You guys had been walking forever. It was now sunset.

"Obito can we stop here? We've been walking since morning." you were about ready to just fall. Your legs felt like jelly.

"Get prepared to be carried, Y/N." Obito said as he swiftly picked you up. He was already carrying your backpack and his, and now you.

"Obito no! You're gonna collapse with all this weight on you! Come on we're finding somewhere to stay."

You got up from his arms, almost instantly you fell when your feet touched the ground. But you got up and started heading to a nearby hot spring, hoping you could get there before you passed out from fatigue.

Hey guys! First, I wanted to say, thank you all so much for almost 800 reads! I didn't know I would get so many. You guys are all so nice and that makes me feel so happy! 

 You guys are all so nice and that makes me feel so happy! 

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 I thought  I would share my friends reactions too. I like to keep them updated on whats going on lol. Again, thank you so much! Love you all and see you next chapter! -Katsu

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