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You start walking to Pein's office, hand in hand. One you get there you knock and hear a faint "Come in." From Pein.

You open the door, still hand in hand and step in. "Hello, congratulations on your relationship. This better not get in the way of your performance in the Akatsuki. Anyways, I would like to send you both on a mission to the leaf. I want you two to collect Intel on the 9 tails." "Right. And thank you Pein. We appreciate it. When do you want us to leave?" You ask. "Tomorrow morning. Make sure to be ready by then." You nod and leave his office.

"Let's start packing then. The sooner we can get it done the sooner we can leave for the mission." You say. "Right. Make sure to be prepared. We have a long journey of walking." Replies Obito.

You both head back to your own rooms and start packing all the essentials.


You finished packing and went into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Hey, Y/N, un!" You turned around to see the blonde, Deidara behind you.

"Oh, hey Dei!" you smiled at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to play a game with me and some of the others. It's just a simple card game." "Oh yeah sure! That would be super fun!" you replied happily.

He nods with a small smile and you follow him out to the living room. There was Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan, and Itachi. You sat down beside Itachi. "Hey, Y/N." Itachi turns to you and gives you a small smile.

"Oh, hey Itachi!" You turn to him and give him a wide smile. Deidara sets out the cards and hands everyone seven of them.

--Time skip brought to you by my laziness to explain what your playing--

Once you guys all got absorbed into playing, it was about 10 at night.

"Aww damn!" Said Kisame as you won against him for about the 30th time. You lost count at around 10...

"I'm just naturally that good!" You joked. Then, Tobi came into the room. "Y/N where have you been?" Tobi asked. He sounded tired.

"Oh, hey Tobi!" You smile at him. "I've just been beating the shit out of these losers." You smile at them. They either smirk or pout from their loss. 

"Y/N-chan! Don't cuss it's bad!" he whined. You simply gave a little giggle to this. (no more saying cuss words guys! in inappropriate and violent. -random child)

"Well guys I guess I better go now. I need to get up early for a mission." You said as you turned to everyone else.

They all either gave a wave or said "Bye." then, you went off with Tobi and followed him to his room.

Once you got in you planted a small kiss on his cheek. You then went to his bed and curled up under the soft covers. He got in next to you and pulled you close.

You felt totally and completely safe in his arms. You wanted to stay like this forever.

After a while you fell asleep. Obito was still awake. He looked to your face and thought you were so peaceful. He loved the way you looked when you were sleeping. Your face was so relaxed and you looked so peaceful and happy.

He closed his eyes, and went off into a deep sleep. 

I'm so sorry this chapter came out to late! I was so excited for the release of week 7 for friday night funkin that I actually completely forgot to update this. This was also kind of rushed since I felt bad for not updating for a while lmao. Love you guys! and also thank you for 655 reads! -Katsu

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