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You woke up with a sleeping Tobi in your arms, and a confused look on your face. You stare into his mask and suddenly see a red sharingan in the hole of his mask. Tobi had woken up.

"Good morning Y/N-chan!" "Good morning Tobi. Hey.. what are you doing in my bed?" "Oh! Y/N-chan had passed out and Tobi brought you back to your room but after he tucked you in you pulled Tobi in your arms!" You slightly giggle at the thought.

"Okay then.. can we go back to sleep? i'm really comfortable like this hehe." "Of course Y/N-chan! Tobi's body is sore from all the traveling done on the mission, so he is very tired." You laugh a little and go back to sleep. This time, you were even closer to Tobi. He pulled you close since he liked the idea of you being close to him.


A few hours later you woke up again. This time, you were in Tobi's arms. You smile at him and pat his head lightly. You try to get up without waking him up, and actually succeeded. You then quickly got dressed and left your room for breakfast.

As soon as you got into the living room everyones eyes were on you. "Soo Y/N.. how was the sleep with Tobi? Did you guys fuck or something?" Said Hidan 'Ugh of course he would say that' you thought. "No, Hidan. We just fell asleep together that's all." You walk past him and grab a bowl of cereal and a little snack for Tobi for when he wakes up.

You start to head back to your room when Hidan came up behind you and whispered in your ear "Who said you could go anywhere? Didn't I say i would make you mine?" He smirks and gets close to your face, your lips centimeters apart. You push him away and say "I'm sorry but don't you already bring enough whores into your room to fuck?" He scoffs and says "Whatever, bitch." You hold back a laugh and hurry on to your room to eat your half soggy cereal.

When you open the door you see that tobi is still asleep. You place the little snack you and gotten for him on the nightstand next to your bed and sat at your little desk to eat your cereal.


After finishing your food you decided to wake up Tobi. You felt bad but he has to get some food in his system. He had been sleeping for a long time now.

You gently shake him. Nothing. You begin to poke the top of his head and all around his mask. Nothing. Finally you poke his eye  Not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to at least sting a little. He sits up and rubs his eye. "Y/N-chan! Why are you so mean?!" He whines. you say nothing and quickly lift of his mask so you could see his mouth and stuff the snack in his face.

"Eat." Was all you said. He nodded and happily ate it while you watched to make sure the whole thing was gone. "Are you thirsty?" He nodded. You got up and left really quick to grab some water from the kitchen.

You came back and handed him the glass of water. After he finished off the snack he began to drink the water. You patted his head and smiled. "All full now?" "Yes. Thank you Y/N-chan." Tobi then hugs you making you fall on your back on the bed since he sat there while he ate. You turned very red and looked away from his gaze. "Oh no! Tobi is a bad boy! He made Y/N-chan turn all red!"

You laugh a little and gently push him off you. Then, you kiss the part of his mask where you were guarding his forehead was. Then his nose started bleeding. "Oh come on Tobi! Not on the sheets!" "Sorry Y/N-chan.." "You better clean all this blood up."

TIME SKIP— (after cleaning the sheets)

"Y/N." You hear a deep voice call. You got startled and turned to Tobi. "Was that you?!" You hear a low chuckle. "Yes, it was. I need to tell you something. And you need to promise to never tell a single soul. Okay?" You nod your head, still shocked at the tone of his voice. "My real name is Obito Uchiha. I was saved by Madara Uchiha. I am him in a way. But this Tobi you always refer to is just a facade.

You sit there. Shocked. "W-wow.. Is that why you cover you face with that mask?" "Yes... Would you like to see it?" "S-sure!" You wait patiently as he slowly takes his mask off, Revealing his real face. You look at the scar and gain a sad smile, wondering what happened to have caused such a scar.

You reach your hand out and touch his scar marks. Tracing them softly. He places his hand atop yours and suddenly, your faces are mere inches apart. He slowly starts to move closer, while you do too.

Then, you feel the soft feeling of his lips against yours. You stay like that for a while. Then you both pull away to catch your breath.

"Y-y/n.." "Hm?" "I-i think i love you."

The end of part six! Hidan got absolutely roasted! (sorry hidan fans. i love him too but it's so funny to make fun of him) This is so exciting i love this story so much! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! See you in part 7! <3

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