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Hey guys! There may be a slight trigger warning here! So proceed at your own risk!  (It's only for the first paragraph tho!)

You wake up in a dark room. You hear footsteps all around you. But no one was there. Then something flashes by you. All you saw was a hint of orange, red, and black. Then Tobi appears right in front of you. "Hello Y/N." He says in his Madara voice. For some reason, you were terrified. You couldn't move, or speak. Then, a Kunai appears in his hand. You want to run. You want to hide. Then Tobi brings it to your stomach and pushes it in, laughing maniacally. You drop to the ground, with blood oozing everywhere. Everything went black.

You shoot up out of bed. Tears well up in your eyes and you start silently crying. Sometimes you would have nightmares like that. You don't know why.

You feel something rustle next to you. "Y/N?" Obito sits up and when he sees you crying, he grabs you and turns you to face him. "Whats wrong? Don't tell me someone hurt you. Because if they did, I will end them." He says sternly.

Tears are still running out of your eyes. It was hard to talk but you managed to choke out a quiet "Im fine." He hugs you and places small kisses on your cheek and nose, then wipes the tears off of your face. "What happened Y/N?"

You are finally able to talk now. "I-I had a really bad dream." "Do you want to talk about it?" You nod and start telling him the details of your nightmare. He listens closely, sometimes going "hm" or nodding. After you tell him, he pulls you into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Y/N."

He pulls away and gives you a light kiss on your forehead. "Come on, lets go get something for you to eat." He grabs your hand and some fresh clothes and a towel and pushes you into the bathroom. "I'll get Itachi to make you food. Just take a nice bath and relax."

You smile at him and before you hear him leave you say "Love you Obito." "Love you too, Y/N."

After you get out of your bath you smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. You quickly do your hair and get dressed and leave your room.

As you walk down to the kitchen, the smell becomes even more desirable than it already was.

When you enter, you see Itachi cook a giant breakfast. "Hello, Y/N." Itachi greets you bluntly

You smile lightly and wave to him. "Good morning Itachi. Have you seen Tobi?" "Hes right here." Itachi points to Obito who came into view from the kitchen. "Hello Y/N-chan!" He waves at you bouncing happily.

You wave back and smile lightly. "Tobi was helping Itachi make a big breakfast." "He's very messy but i taught him how to cook a few things. I had to bribe him with candy for him to listen."

You giggle lightly and go over to help Itachi finish cooking. Once you finish you grab 2 plates. One for Yourself and another for Tobi. You load it up with food and go back to the dining table where everyone else was. You sit next to Tobi and hand him his plate. He smiles at you under his mask and as you're eating, you secretly hold hands under the table. It was adorable. 

Thankfully, no one noticed. You both finished eating and decided to ask Tobi if he wanted to do something. "Hey Tobi would you like to do something?" "Sure, Y/N-chan!" You grab his hands when you see no one looking and head for the exit. 

And that the end of this chapter! I've decided to start writing this out on a google doc, multiple chapters at a time so once in a while i'll post two chapters! I might post a little more tonight or work on my Hidan x Reader a little bit. I hope you enjoyed!

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