Part 8

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You came back from school and Yelena was at home with you too. You decided to work on your history project again, since you'd be having to present it tomorrow. You ordered some food, which you could eat together with Yelena while you were revising your already finished presentation. Both of you sat down on the bed and brought out your notes about the project. And with that you started reading all of the important points, which you had written down. "The fall of Wall Maria took place in the year 845. A sixty-meter tall titan appeared in front of the outer gate of the Shiganshina District, known as the Colossal Titan. Panic errupted within the inhabitants of the southern district. Soon an armored titan broke the inner gate of the district and so, the outer wall was breached." you said your part. Then Yelena said hers. After she finished, you started talking about the three legions. "There was the Garrison, The Survey Corps and the Military Police Brigade, which only the ten best students of each cadet generation could enter. The legion we're going to focus on, is the Survey Corps. Erwin Smith was the 14th commander of the Survey Corps and led the legion for 5 years, from 845 to 850. They were dedicating their hearts for the future of humanity. The members were divided into groups, each led by a Lance Corporal. The Lance Corporals I'm going to talk about are Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë. Levi Ackerman was also known as 'Humanity's Strongest Solider' with at least 89 solo titan kills and Hange Zoë with at least 5. Even though she didn't have many solo titan kills, she was always inventing new gadgets, that helped in battle, like the thunder spears." you continued and Yelena then took the lead. She talked about the thunder spears, the Garrison and the Military Police Brigade and then finished. "Thank you for your attention." both of you said at the end. "I think we'll have the best project." you said. "I hope so too." Yelena answered.

The doorbell interrupted your conversation. You got off of the bed and walked to the front door, paid for the food, closed the door and walked back into your room. You found Yelena staring at something on the floor. "What's wrong?" you asked holding the paper bag of takeout in your hand. "Isn't that Ymir's?" she asked, pointing at the red hair clip near the bed. "Oh, yeah. She must've forgotten it here. I'll return it to her tomorrow at school." you said while walking towards the hair clip and picking it up, off of the floor. You stuffed it in your back pack and sat back down on the bed, giving Yelena the food, which she ordered and starting to eat. "So, what did you do with Ymir yesterday?" she asked, biting into her burger. "Nothing too important. We did our physics homework and hung out a little. What did you do yesterday?" you asked back. All the memories from yesterday washed over Yelena, a wave of sadness along with it. She shook the feeling off and spoke. "Just homework and all of that. You already know the drill." she lied. "Actually, the school dance is coming up, isn't it?" you asked. "Yeah, it's in like three weeks." Yelena answered "Do you know, who you'll want to have as a date there?" you asked her. 'You.' she thought. "No. You?" she asked. "Yeah. Definitely Hange." you said, a sparkle appearing in your eyes, as their name left your lips. Seeing that sparkle in your eyes broke Yelena's heart, her facial expresion remaining stoic, though. Not letting anything show. It was obvious, how much you loved Hange. How happy you were when you talked about them, how passionate your love was for them. The only thought that crossed Yelena's mind was, how it could be her. But it wasn't, and she knew that.

It was the next day, already, and you and Yelena were walking to history class. You turned the corner and walked into the classroom and sat in your assigned seats. You rehearsed the presentation multiple times today, just to be sure that everything went smoothly. Mr. Ackerman wasn't afraid to be blunt and his critisism was harsh most of the time. The students started filling the classroom up and eventually, Mr. Ackerman walked in as well. "Alright, brats. Let's not waste any time and start with the presentations." he demanded as he slammed his bag on the desk with a loud thud. 'What is he carrying in there? Stones?'you asked yourself. "First up, Pieck and Annie." he said. The two girls started walking up to the desk and stood in front of it. Levi walked to their seats and sat down in Pieck's. They started presenting.

They finished their presentation and you started to grow anxious. Pieck's history skills were pretty high and it was unsettling to you. "It was good, but you could've focused more on the Survey Corps instead of the Garrison." Mr. Ackerman said. 'Bingo!' you cheered in your head. Your tension fading away. "See, told you that we'll have something, that they won't have." Yelena leaned over to your ear and whispered. You smiled and nodded at her and she smiled back. Levi stood back up and spoke. "You may sit down again." he ordered the two girls and they obeyed. "Next up, y/n and Yelena." he said in a monotone voice. You took a deep breath in and exhaled, standing up along with Yelena and walking in front of the desk. You turned around, Yelena doing the same, and you noticed that Levi sat in your seat. You started presenting.

You finished and you were happy that everything went smoothly. Levi started clapping, the other students joining him. Your eyes widened and you started blushing slightly because of the feeling of happiness and accomplishment you were feeling on the inside. Levi didn't clap for Pieck and Annie, so that meant that you had impressed him somehow. "It was very good. I liked how you mentioned all of the important points in the Titan Era and I liked that you focused more on the Survey Corps and mentioned how it was divided. I hardly doubt that anyone in this class will be able to reach the level of this presentation." he commented. A wide smile was sketched on your face, as you heard his feedback. You turned to Yelena and smiled at her, your eyes being full of happiness. You hugged her. She remained still, not knowing what to do, but she decided to hug you back, her heart beating against her ripcage rapidly. Levi stood up and started walking towards his desk. He opened his mouth to speak again. "Could you send me a digital copy of the notes you've written?" he asked and you nodded eagerly. "Of course!" you beamed. He nodded and sat back down on his desk, crossing his legs before calling up the next pair, which would have to present. You sat down in your seat, Yelena sitting down next to you and giving you a high five.

Class had ended and you walked with Yelena towards the cafeteria. She didn't seem to be as wierd as she was before and now you'd get along with her well, actually enjoying her presence. You two split paths, you walking over to your group of friends and her walking over to hers, sitting down with them. You talked with Ymir about your project and she congratulated you. "It's definitely hard to impress Mr. Ackerman." she mentioned. "Yeah, I know." you said. "Oh, I have to give you your hair clip back." you added and pulled it out of your bag, handing it over to her. "I reckoned that I've forgotten it at your place." she said and chuckled. "Leaving your hair down suits you, actually." you complimented. "Thank you, but it isn't as practical. It's harder to eat puss-" "Yeah, okay. We get it." you cut her off and giggled, waving your hand in front of her face. She giggled along with you. "Do you know where Mikasa is?" you asked her. "No idea." she answered, frowning. "It's kinda wierd how Jean and Mikasa are missing." you said. "They're probably fucking each other." she said. "Ymir!" you exclaimed. "What? It's a possibility, you know?" she reasoned. "You can't take shit seriously for one second now, can you?" you asked rhetorically and she gave you a smirk. The bell rang, signalling that the lunch break is over. You got up and slid your bag over your shoulder. You walked to your next class.

Yelena got up as well, brushing the non-existing dust off of her clothes. She noticed that you left the cafeteria. This was the time to make her move. She saw Ymir walking a little further behind you and so, she walked up to her. She stopped the freckled girl in her tracks and spoke. "See me after school today. Behind the building." Yelena ordered. Ymir put her hands on her hips and cocked a brow up. "Why?" she retorted. "I'll tell you there." the blonde girl said.


Bad bitch Ymir, periodt✋🏻
The presentations I write in my book:✨🤌🏻
My presentations at school: 💩

𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝔔𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓   𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘢Where stories live. Discover now