Part 9

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School had already ended and you had made your way home. Ymir, on the other hand, walked towards the back of the building, to meet up with Yelena. Some things were going through her mind, but she didn't want to accuse anybody before actually knowing that it were true. She stood behind the building, her back against the cold brick wall of the school. "Wanting to meet up with me and showing up late." Ymir muttered in front of her. "Sorry for that." Yelena said, as she turned the corner and walked towards the brown haired girl. Ymir looked towards Yelena with a stoic expression, a little boredom being present on her face as well. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Ymir asked. "Oh, noting too important." Yelena started. "I see you're getting close with y/n." she continued. "I can point out the obvious too, you know?" Ymir gave the tall woman a little attitude. "Don't you know, your little girlfriend will get jealous, if you keep doing that?" Yelena chuckled. "It's not like I'm fucking y/n, so I don't see the problem here." Ymir said. "Well, I do." the blonde girl mentioned. "Well, mind fucking telling me? I don't have time to waste. Stop beating around the bush." Ymir demanded. "You see, I'd like to have a chance with y/n too, so stop filling her schedule up with your pointless meet-ups." Yelena said. "So, what do you want me to do, then?" Ymir asked. "You talk back too much." Yelena chuckled before grabbing a pocket knife out of the pocket of her sweatpants and flinging it open. "I want you to distance yourself from y/n, or else I'd have to take more...drastic measures." Yelena demanded as she inched the tip of the knife towards Ymir's throat. "Should I kill you? Or your little slut girlfriend Historia?" Yelena asked looking to her side a little, making herself seem like she's deeply in thought. Ymir grabbed Yelena's wrist, making the knife fall out of her hand, onto the floor. She grabbed the tall girl's right shoulder and shortly after, the left one and dug her knee into Yelena's stomach. The blonde trembled for a little but soon aimed a punch at Ymir's face, her fist making contact with the freckled girl's face. Ymir's head turned to the right, due to the force of the punch, but she looked back at Yelena while wiping the blood that was running out of her nose with her sleeve. She took a fighting stance and Yelena as well. Ymir swung her left hand out, Yelena blocking the punch successfully. As Ymir swing her left arm out, the right one was aiming a punch at Yelena's side. Just as Yelena wanted to block the attack from the right, Ymir's arm stopped moving and she dropped down, swiping her left leg under Yelena's feet, making the blonge drop to the floor. Ymir grabbed the knife, which was in reach, and pointed it at Yelena's neck, pinning the blonde to the ground. "Oh how the tables turn." Ymir teased. "First of all, no. I won't distance myself from y/n. And second of all, who are you to call my girlfriend a slut, huh?" Ymir said as she brought her face closer to Yelena's. "Don't worry, I'll do all the talking." Ymir informed. "You've been kind of suspicious lately, you know that?" Ymir asked. "Now, I won't circle around my point like you. Did you kill Jean and Mikasa?" she asked. "You know, if somebody likes someone, they don't want their crush to get hurt, no?" she continued. "If you were the one that killed Jean and Mikasa, just know, you're hurting y/n." she informed. "Now tell me, did you kill them?" Ymir asked. Yelena gave the brown haired girl a devilish grin and spoke. "Yes. Yes I did." she answered, her eyes open wide and filled with bloodlust. She grabbed Ymir's collar and headbutted her with a force that was indescribable. Ymir started to lose her vision, her eyes being unable to focus as she started feeling warm blood drip from her forehead, down her face. Her body went limp and she fell to the side. Yelena stood up and brushed the dirt off of her clothes. She knew that Ymir wouldn't die from her headbutt, so she grabbed her phone and texted Ymir. The phone in Ymir's pocked buzzed, signalling that her message had arrived. And with that, Yelena waked towards her car, getting in and driving towards her house, leaving Ymir lying on the ground.

She soon got home, unlocking the doors to her mansion. She walked in and shouted, "Zeke, you home?". He soon came out of the kitchen, holding two cups of tea, one in each hand. "Yes. I've made us some tea. Thought you might want some." he said as he sat on the black leather couch. "Thank you." Yelena thanked and sat bestide him, sipping on her cup of tea. "You know, your drug trafficking buisness is going well. We just imported a decent amount to Hizuru. You are very young, and yet still incredibly successful." he complimented. Yelena nodded out of gratitude. "Actually, I've wanted to tell you something for a while now, Yelena." he said. "What?" she said as she put her cup of tea on the black tinted glass coffe table. "I-I..." he said. Yelena arched a brow up, not understanding what he wanted from her. He stood up and hovered above her, connecting their lips. Her eyes shot wide open, as she felt his hand trail up her thighs. He kept on kissing her, she wasn't kissing back, though. She froze for a second, all of the memories from the past washing over her. She couldn't fight back, back then, but she changed. She pushed him off, slapping him harshly. A mark from where she had slapped him was left behind. "What was that for!" she yelled. "I couldn't say it so I had to show you!" he argued back. She turned on her heel, wanting to leave the house, but he grabbed her wrist, turning her around and pinning her to the wall. His knee was up against her pussy, his hand holding her throat. He locked their lips again, licking along her bottom lip. Seeing, that she didn't grant him entrance, he forced his tongue into her mouth. He started exploring it. Yelena hated feeling so vulnerable, so powerless. Her eyes immediately started searching for someting she can defend herself with, since she had left her pocket knife at the fight with Ymir. She fixed her gaze on a vase, which was in her reach. She grabbed it and smashed it on Zeke's head, shattering it into pieces. He stepped away from her, holding onto his head. She kicked him in the balls and in the stomach He lost balance and fell onto the floor, feeling immaculate pain. He didn't realize that Yelena grabbed a shard and pinned him to the ground. She didn't know, if she should kill him now or not, because he was a good trafficker. He was very useful to her buisness, but her safety as more important to her, so she held onto the shard of the vase tightly, getting a firm grip on it, and started slashing his throat with it multiple times. Left, right, left, right, she watched her body move on its own, her arm moving, killing the man below her. She didn't feel bad for him. In fact, she enjoyed it. Feeling the control he had over her a minute ago vanishing. She cut for a little longer, before she tossed the shard covered in blood beside her. She looked at the cuts, which she made. Some were shallow, where as others were deep. He stopped breathing, so she picked his body up and tossed it into the dumpster in her backyard. She cleaned the other mess up and went upstairs, to rest for the day.

Ymir felt herself come back to her senses. She felt a wave of pain being emitted from her head, so she held onto it. She realized that it was raining by now. She sat up and wondered what the best thing to do was. She decided that calling Historia to come pick her up, would be the best decision, since she wasn't really capable of driving home safely, in her current state. She inserted her hand into her pocket and saw, that Yelena had sent her a messgage. She opened it and read,

If you tell anybody, I won't hesitate to kill you and Historia
3.33 p.m.


Let the daily updates begin!
We are getting really close to 1k reads and I'm literally about to faint bc of that.
My question now is, would you want me to do a face reveal once we hit 1k reads? Cause I'm down to do one. Probably going to take it down after a while bc of
✨ i n s e c u r i t i e s✨
But like let me know if you're interested❤️❤️

𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝔔𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓   𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘢Where stories live. Discover now