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Hey, everyone. It's me, Koi. I've come here to say that I am yet again abandoning a book. I know it sucks, but I've decided to leave the Danganronpa community. The toxicity is too much- not only that but writing a book can be kinda stressful. So from now on I will be making small one shots every now and then for fun- specifically Omori one shots, so if you enjoy that, I encourage you to keep a look out for them. I may even do some Friday Night Funkin here and there but I'm not too sure- anyways, below is a draft of the fic I was writing. It's not much, but I hope it's good enough for y'all. Thank you so much for reading my book and for the support! <3 I love all of you so much.

Kokichi trudged out of school tiredly and groaned. Today was soooo boring... Well, at least it was sunny. He sat down near a tree and waited for Kaede to come out. She was probably talking to Shuichi or something. It wasn't too long until she came out, luckily enough.

"Hey, Kaede," Kokichi said as he got up to greet Kaede.

"Hello, Kokichi! How was school today? Was it good?" She asked with a smile.

"Nope, boring as hell- as always, of course!" He said with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" She asked kindly.

'Typical Kaede' Kokichi thought to himself with a smile, "Well, you could bring me to the mall! I wanna go look at Spencer's!" Kokichi grinned.

"Sounds good to me!" Kaede nodded before beginning to walk, "Let's go!" She said.

"Race ya to the bus stop!" Kokichi giggled as he ran towards the gates of the school.

"Hey! Wait up!" She called after him, jogging towards him as fast as she could to keep up.

Again, thank you for reading my story!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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