𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦

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Hawkins, Indiana: October 22nd, 1984

Today was the first of many days that Y/N would attend Hawkins High as a senior. Luckily for her, it would be her only year to attend since again, she was a senior. She woke up due to the loud bang on her window. It seemed odd for something to hit her window because she slept on the 2nd floor. She got up and dragged herself to open the window. It was just a baseball from the neighbors in front. She threw the ball back and it hit a small kid in front of the house. Scared, Y/N quickly shut her window and got ready to go to her new school. As she got ready for the day, this is the Fit, she remembered the mystery asshole who had almost sent her to her grave on the second day she came to town.

last night....

"That was fun!" Dustin exclaimed while he mounted on his bike.

"Hahha yeah it was! You destroyed that game of DigDug!" Y/N declared as she walked over to the green colored bike Dustin lended to her.

"Totally!" Will laughed out loud, "But I think you're really good at Pac-Man, Y/N!"

"Why thank you, Will. I don't really call myself a professional, but I'll take it as a compliment," Y/N bowed down and giggled.

"Do you think anyone could beat Dustin at DigDug?"Mike inquired.

"Not in a million years, Mike," Lucas answered back.

"Okay, fine, I bet you a dollar," Mike added as he held his hand out.

"Bet." Lucas took Mike's hand and shook it.

"Please stop with your betting or whatever shit you're  doing, but you guys better go home because your moms are going to be pissed if they know I'm a terrible babysitter. Okay?" Y/N interrupted as she started biking on the street.


They all agreed and sped down the streets. Lucas, Dustin, and Mike went their own separate ways home. So it was just Y/N and Will, just an awkward silence as they biked home in the darkness of the night.

"So why don't you just go alone home like the others?" Y/N broke the silence.

"Well my mom doesn't really let me stay alone or anything since she doesn't want me getting hurt or lost," Will replied nervously as he looked down.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Your mom just want you to be safe and plus you're in good hands, Will," Y/N comforted him as she pat his shoulder and smiled.

"Um, I guess I'm home. Thanks Y/N! See you later!" Will thanked as he went to the front door.

"Bye, Will! Take care and say Hi to your mom for me!" Y/N suggested. Will waved and she waved back. Y/N set off to go home.

The air was very crisp, yet a little warmer than back at her home, in New York City. Oh to be back with her friends, Samantha, and Justin. They would go everywhere together and were the inseparable three. The three of them would go get lost and explore the big city. Y/N sighed feeling a little down with the thought she wasn't with her best friends. But she was in Hawkins now, somewhere she enjoyed being. Luckily, this was the beginning of her small adventures here in Indiana with her cousin and her new middle schooler friends.

The tender moment of nostalgia and friendship was soon broken by a car screeching. A car suddenly stopped right in front on her, one more centimeter and she would've been hurt or worse, dead. She flinched and her heart jumped. Shocked and frightened, she quickly shifted her eyes to the driver with an upset look of her face.

"WATCH IT ASSHOLE! ITS ONLY MY SECOND DAY HERE AND I'M ALREADY GOING TO DIE THANKS TO YOU!" She yelled as she flipped him off aggressively and mounted her bike and left back home.

What was wrong with the guy?

Mystery Guy's POV from last night

"Bye, Nance," Steve Harrington, the King of Hawkins High, said to his girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler.

"Bye," Nancy replied as she pecked his cheek and giggled.

God, Steve Harrington really loved this girl, everything about her made him so wishy washy (damn that was cringey. Ima head out). He smiled and drove off back home. As he drove home, he thought about the new neighbors that had came from New York City, his parents always told him to go introduce himself to them. He just never wanted to and procrastinated about it. Distracted, he saw a girl on a bike so close to be ran over. Scared, he suddenly pressed the brakes and was awestruck, his car was about to run her over or injure her.

"WATCH IT ASSHOLE! ITS ONLY MY SECOND DAY HERE AND I'M ALREADY GOING TO DIE THANKS TO YOU!" She yelled as she flipped him off aggressively and mounted her bike.

Frankly, she looked upset and he wasn't offended by her flipping him off. Instead, he was awestruck by the way she looked like. There was just something different about her that made him feel so......different. You can't just judge someone by their looks, you know? What if someone looks nice on the outside, but are definitely rotten in the inside?

oh god, she's really pre- wait no I have a girlfriend, wow that sounds wrong okay okay it's fine it's just a girl. She probably doesn't know me....right? He thought or so he thought as he hit his head on the steering wheel.

Oh my! If only this boy really knew that Dustin Henderson told his beloved cousin, Y/N L/N , the douchebag stories about the one and only, Steve Harrington.


Y/N finished her breakfast which only consisted a cup of coffee and a piece of bread since she was sick to her stomach. She has never gone to a new school since she's always been living in the same place for her whole life, well except now. Y/N has always been the type of person who has NEVER cared about people's opinions on herself and her friends. But coming to a new school would be something entirely different to her. What classes would she take? Would people not like her? Will she have friends? Will she make an embarrassment out of herself? These questions and thoughts had always broke her and made her overthink about the simplest things. Thus, she grabbed her book bag, grabbed her car keys, kissed her mom goodbye, and headed out the door. As soon as she entered her car, she started to dread to go to school more than anything in the world.

She checked her watch, it was 7:40 am.

"Right on time to go to the office and get my schedule," Y/N told herself as she turned on her car and set out to go to Hawkins High, where she could potentially meet that mystery dude, and could have the second encounter of many more to come.

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