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Y/N decided to stay at Dustin's since she didn't want to be left alone at her home because she seemed pretty spooked by what she witnessed the previous day. She got ready for the day and followed Dustin to the kitchen for breakfast, ready for a frightful yet fresh start.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Y/N pondered while she grabbed a waffle from the toaster.

"Well, Steve and I want to trap Dart. So we'll get some bait," Dustin explained.

"Wait- you named it?"


"Oh my god Dustin. You kept a creature of that inside?" Y/N lectured him.

"Hey I didn't know," Dustin defended with his mouth full of waffles, "I was also saying code red on the walkie talkies."

"I'm sorry, I was busy," Y/N said, looking around, "Homework, you know?"

"Busy with what? Trying to help Steve's relationship with you?" He mocked with a sly grin.

"Shut up, I-I don't even like him that way," She emphasized, "At what time did he tell you to meet up?"

"Now you want to come, huh?"

"I just want to help," Her face turned pink, and walked to grab a bag. "Where are the others?"

"Hopper is MIA, I haven't heard from Will, Mike, and Lucas," Dustin informed.

"Do you think we could all meet somewhere?" Y/N suggested.

"I'll have to contact the boys again-"

The phone rang and Y/N decided to pick it up. "Hello?" She started, peering at Dustin who was looking for his own backpack to carry along.

"Hey, I'm going over to Dustin's place to pick you guys up," Steve's familiar voice called out.

"Oh okay, we'll be waiting," Y/N chirped and hung up. "Get whatever you need because Steve's going to pick us up."

Dustin nodded and began putting stuff into his bag. "Get ready for the crazy shit that's going to happen."

"What? Are people going to die?" Y/N gulped, but joked.

"Perhaps, but that's a conversation for later," Dustin declared while he opened the front door for them to go outside.

Y/N shivered and they both waited outside until they saw the familiar car of Steve Harrington. "Come on, hurry. We don't have all day," Steve told them as they climbed into the car.

"Jeez, why so cranky? Did little Stevie get his good night's rest?" Y/N chuckled while she tried to play with his hair, earning a smack on her hand from Steve.


They drove to the woods where they discussed adding bait so they would attack whatever the thing was before it attacked someone else. Steve and Y/N got out of the car, they opened the truck to find three buckets of meat.

"Where the hell did you get all of this?" She jabbered receiving rubber gloves from him.

"I don't know, guess I just found it in the refrigerator," Steve proclaimed as he brought supplies out from the trunk.

"You are full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Quit, your flirting guys," Dustin swore while he came out of the car.

"Dustin, this is Lucas do you copy?"A voice on Dustin's walkie talkie called out.

"Well well well, look who it is" Dustin jeered.

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